Ch. 7

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They sat at the barriers, and watched as Bobby Lashley came out first, with MVP behind him. Nessa boo'd him as he came past them.

"Better watch who you're booing, little girl." Bobby said rudely to her. But Jon irked up, in retaliation.

"And you better watch your fuckin' mouth, Lashley!" He replied, snidely and angrily. "Before I shut it for ya!!" Bobby shrugged his remark off, and went up to the ring. Brock's music hit, and he came out in his true fashion. He swung his fists and and stamped the ground. That's when he saw Bobby. His anger grew, and he marched his way down to the ring. The announcer shouted out about the match, and the referee called for the bell to be rung. The men locked up, and Bobby hit Brock, sending him back into the ropes. Brock came back off them and clotheslined Bobby, sending him to the mat. Bobby shook it off, and got back up, ready for the next thing that Brock would bring his way. The match kept going with both men trading blows and punches, before Brock picked up Bobby to deliver a suplex to him. This rattled Bobby a lot, and before he knew it, Brock picked him up again, for another suplex. Bobby got up after a few moments and got Brock in a hurt lock and trapped Brock, his arms restricted behind his head. Brock couldn't regain the use of his arms, so he did the only thing he could think of. Brock went low, and swung one of his legs back at Bobby, hitting him below the belt, literally. However, the referee saw this, and ordered the disqualification bell. Bobby won the match, but Brock won the war, for now.

"Here is your winner, by disqualification! Bobby Lashley!!" The ring attendant shouted into the microphone. Bobby got down from the ring and joined MVP, before stopping at Marissa.

"You wanna ditch that cheater beast and come with a REAL man!" Bobby said, suavely but rudely to her. But this only angered Jon more.

"And you better watch your fuckin' tone, Lashley!" Jon snapped back. "I told ya once before! KEEP MY SISTER'S IMAGE OUT YA FUCKIN' HEAD!" He yelled at the men, before jumping over the barricades, and helping both Nessa and Marissa over as well. Marissa quickly walked over to Brock, and he kissed her, shocking not only the Wwe audience, but also the announcers.

"Did what I had to, gorgeous." He said to in between kisses. Marissa nodded, saying that she understood, and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh my god, Corey!" Michael exclaimed, surprised. "Seems the Beast Incarnate is snapped up."

"He is capable of love, why shouldn't he be?" Corey retorted. Everyone watched as they continued to kiss, and then went to join Jon and Nessa, and they all made their way back up the ramp. As soon as they entered the Guerrilla entrance to go back to the locker rooms, Brock got jumped by Damien and Dominik.

"We got suspended because of your bullshit!!" Damien shouted at them all. But Nessa stepped up to them.

"Maybe if you guys weren't such assholes, you wouldn't have got suspended!" She snapped back at them.

"YOU SMART MOUTHED LITTLE BITCH!" Dominik shouted back at her, but stopped as soon as he saw her smile at him. He suddenly looked behind them, and instantly shrank in fear. The Undertaker was standing right behind them. Damien went to punch the Deadman, but only succeeded in pissing him off further. Dominik scooted around the Undertaker, and ran for it. Damien just stood there, glaring at him. Mark and Damien continued to stare each other down, before Adam Pearce came out to them.

"You two just LOVE causing trouble, don't you Damien?" He demanded. "I thought I told you to take the REST OF THE WEEK off!?"Damien began to protest, saying that they didn't start anything, but Adam wouldn't hear it.

"Oh COME ON!" Damien yelled. "This is such HORSESHIT!"

"I don't care, Priest! Or would you rather make it two weeks!?" Adam shouted at him again. Damien shook his head and walked off to follow Dominik. Brock, Jon, and Mark were then able to escort the ladies back to the locker rooms and everyone got packed up. Just as they were about to leave, Adam came to the door.

"What now, Pearce?" Jon asked sarcastically.

"This isn't for you, Moxley." Adam replied calmly. "I came to check how your sister was. Are you ladies alright?" They both nodded. "I'm sorry again, those two can be quite the handful at times."

"You can say that again," Brock added.

"Brock, how'd you like the opportunity to finally teach Judgement Day the lesson they deserve?" Adam asked him. Brock nodded and said he would revel in the opportunity to punish them. "Fantastic, because after they come back from their suspension, that is just what you can do." And they made plans to schedule the match and take the time off that everyone needed.

 "Well, ladies?" Brock began. "Shall we head out?" And they gathered everything and went to Mark's four by four truck, and went back to the hotels. Nessa got her bag and said that even though they came to Phoenix together, they'd keep in touch with their plans, as she heard and said to Marissa that Brock wanted to whisk her away that week. Marissa agreed and said that Mark was planning the same for Nessa, or so she thought. In his mind, Mark did want to ask her to join him back at his ranch, but was nervous to ask her. Marissa got him alone and told him to just ask Nessa. That's when Mark told her to let Brock spoil her that next week. But as soon as he said it, he cursed at himself for ruining Brock's surprise for her. He asked to still act surprised, and Marissa said that she would. They parted ways after Brock and Marissa hugged both Nessa and Mark, and the pair left to get the flight to Austin. It was a two hour and forty minute flight, and Mark said that he could rearrange Nessa's ticket to go to Austin with him. Brock and Marissa were going to make the trip back to Minnesota, and get a few things from there, before heading to his second home in Saskatchewan. They went to sleep as tomorrow was going to be an early start.  

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