Ch. 13

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 Brock and Marissa got to his home, and made their plans. First, the authorities were notified. Next, Adam Pearce was informed of the situation, and he told Brock to make sure that Marissa was safe. Then, he called Mark and Nessa and told them what had happened, as well as Jon. Jon was ready to come out to Marissa's apartment and do his own investigations. But Brock asked him to let the authorities handle it. They agreed on who they thought could have been responsible, and where Marissa's nephew's ashes could be. But they didn't want to act on those decisions just yet, in case they were wrong. Marissa had her suspects as well, one of which being her ex-family. But she was sure that they didn't know where she was living, unless they were trick her into coming back to the house with them. However, that was highly doubtful, as they couldn't wait to be rid of her, when they disowned her after she left of her own free choice.

"Don't worry, Rissa honey." Brock said, wrapping his arm around her, and pulling her from her thoughts. "We'll sort it all out." And they got everything ready for the flight to the next Wwe show.

Mark and Nessa were spending a lot of time together, and he was thinking of making it permanent. He went to the best jewellers in Austin, and made a custom order for an elegant engagement ring. He then chose a bracelet and necklace set to go with it, and had it all boxed up. Nessa was going to be back at his ranch that weekend, and he couldn't wait to see what she would say, when he asked her. Mark made plans for a wonderful candlelit dinner, and a highly reputable restaurant, and had the best bottle of champagne to with it all. He hoped that she would say yes. He was just finishing the morning ranch duties, and was about to get into his truck, and head to the airport to pick her up. But a car pulled up in his driveway, just as he was about to. Mark recognised the car as his ex wife's and got down from the driver's side.

"What're yer doing here, Jodi?" He asked her as she got out of her car.

"I wanted to talk." She began. "I wanna give us another go of our relationship." He just brushed her off.

"Yer gonna have to move, I gotta go pick someone up from the airport." He told her, turning back towards his truck.

"Wait, I have someone I need you to meet..." She spoke again. She signalled something toward the car, and a young boy got out. He looked to be around only four years old. Mark looked at him in disbelief.

"If yer tryin' to pull a fast one over me, ain't gonna work, Jodi..." Mark replied calmly.

"His name is Gunner." She told him. He's your son, Mark..." It was then, that Gunner came up to Mark, and looked up at him.

"Jodi, I can't do this right now, I gotta go pick up my new girl..." He began to say, and Jodi made to question him.

"What? What new girl?" She said, a little bit upset. Mark just checked the time on his phone, and told her again to grab the kid, and move her car.

"We can arrange a meet up later, but right now, I am late to pick up Nessa." He said to her. "Now, fer the last time... Please, take the kid and move yer car..." Jodi picked up Gunner, and went back to her car, saying that she would call him to arrange a time that they could talk. She then drove off, and Mark got into his truck, and drove to the airport to meet Nessa.

Brock and Marissa were waiting at the airport, to get their flight for the next show. He told her that he had given her apartment keys to a reliable friend, so that Marissa's apartment could be packed up and moved over to his home in Minnesota. But they were still going to find her nephew's ashes, and deal with whoever stole them. Marissa said she needed to use the facilities, as they were waiting for the flight, so Brock said that was okay, but for her to try and not be too long.

"I promise, I'll be as quick as I can, babe." She assured him. Marissa got to the women's restrooms, and went into one of the cubicles. After a few moments, she heard someone else come in. She didn't recognise the voice.

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