Ch. 6

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The ladies took their seats right behind the barriers, and watched as the show went on. They really enjoyed the night, watching all of the matches. Jon came out and interrupted Miz as he was doing his piece for Miz TV, and the Undertaker came out and was faced with Bray Wyatt and Uncle Howdy. Damien and Dominik were set to escort Finn Balor to the ring as he took on Dolph Ziggler. Both Damien and Dominik noticed the ladies in the seats near the barrier, and Damien began to try to talk to them, again. But Nessa was not impressed. He tried to convince them again, not to hang with Brock or Mark, and instead meet The Judgement Day backstage. When Nessa denied him again, he began to get angry, making Marissa scared again. Dominik came over and tried to get everyone to focus. Nessa made it 'seem' like he knocked her drink from her hand, having it fall and spill all over their boots and their long pants. Rhea came over and tried to clear the situation up, when Jon's music hit and he came running down the ramp at Damien and Dominik.

"I TOLD YOU!" He shouted throwing punches at both Dominik and Damien. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCK WITH THEM ANYMORE!"

"What's Moxley doing!?" Corey Graves shouted into his headset. His co-announcer Michael Cole just shook his head, and replied that he was not sure.

"It seems he's gone absolutely irate because Damien and Dominik are treating two members of the Wwe universe with disrespect!" Michael added.

"He's snapped?" Corey asked. "And all because they upset a couple of fans??" He continued as the fight between the men sprawled in front of the announcement table.

"LET ME TELL YOU GRAVES!" Jon yelled at them. "THE SAME THING I TOLD THEM!" They looked at him, as he swung another punch to Damien's stomach, and he looked to them.

"I think he's looking at you, Corey." Michael said.

"TO THE BOTH OF YOU! STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Jon shouted at them. He delivered a DDT to Damien, and found Dominik on the ground with Rhea tending to him. Dom looked at him in fear, and Rhea showed anger on her face. Jon walked back to Marissa and Nessa, making sure they were okay, and said to them to wait till the end of the show. He would come and get them to escort them to their gentlemen. They nodded and said they would. A minute later, Dolph picked up the win against Finn, because he got counted out, trying to check up on Damien and Dominik. He saw red, when he turned to face Jon.

"MOXLEY!" He roared out, but Jon just ran back up the ramp, telling the ladies again to stay put. Finn ran after him, and they began to brawl backstage. Cameras followed them until Adam Pearce came out to stop the commotion.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" He shouted above them. "Finn! Go get cleaned up! MOXLEY?! My office! NOW!" But Adam saying those words, re-triggered Marissa's memory of what her ex boss had put her through. Nessa saw this, and got the attention of one of the referees. She told the ref the situation and explained that Marissa was Jon's little sister. He radioed to another staff member to have Jon come back out, who found him still talking with Adam on camera.

"Hey, they started it!" Jon told Adam.

"And furthermore, for your little stunt out there, I've no choice but to..." Adam continued, but got interrupted.

"Jon, your sister and her friend need you... now!" The staff member said, running back to the guerrilla area. Jon bolted ahead of him and back down the ramp to Marissa, and Corey and Michael were both stunned.

"What's that lunatic doing back out here?" Corey exclaimed.

"Rissa?? RIS!? What's wrong??" He shouted in concern for her. Marissa just clung to him, and he lifted her over the barricades, and cradled her bridal-styled. He got Nessa to follow and explain everything from her ex boss, to why they were there tonight.

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