Ch. 12

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Mark and Nessa were sitting in his Jacuzzi after the day's ranch work, when Glenn came up to them. He'd gotten a call from Edge, and he handed the phone to Mark.

"Edge, gotta thank you for guest refereeing for us at TLC." He said as Glenn told him.

"Yeah, that was fun." Edge replied. "Thanks for the heads up." They talked for a while, before Edge said he had to go as Beth wanted to have some time alone with him.

"Can't keep the ladies waiting." Mark laughed as they hung up the call, as Nessa smiled at him. They then went back into the house, and had dinner, and relaxed with a movie night. Brock and Marissa were back in Minnesota and she had brought some things from her apartment, to spend some time with Brock at his home.

"It really is beautiful here," Marissa began. Brock nodded and agreed with her. He then said that because of the feud with Bobby not being over, until Brock won. Marissa agreed and said that she understood. But Brock didn't want her getting The Judgement Day's wrath again. So he said that she could stay either at her own apartment, or at his house, so that he knew she'd be safe. Although Marissa said that she would be worried about him, so he allowed her to come with him. They made plans for the week, before the next show, and had all kinds of fun with shopping trips, days out, and just relaxing at either of their homes. However, it seemed that Dominik had other plans. He and Rhea found out Marissa's address, and began stalking her. Dominik felt as if he had been made to be the mockery of the Wwe that month, and that simply would not cut it with him. He would make her pay for rejecting himself and Damien, as well as getting family involved.

"I don't see why you're so hung up on a silly little girl, when you have someone like me, Dom." Rhea asked him, frustrated.

"It's the principle of the matter!" He whisper-shouted at her. "I will NOT be made the joke of the Wwe!" And they crept around the apartment block, looking for anything they could get her with. However, after a few moments, a door opened and Marissa and Brock came out. They were laughing and smiling as they came down the stairs, and walked right past them in the shadows.

"Let's take in a movie and get some dinner, Brock honey?" Marissa asked him.

"That sounds like a genius idea, beautiful." He said as he kissed her. They walked to his car, and Brock opened the door for her, helping her in. He then went to his side and got in, driving them to the cinemas. Dominik saw that as his chance to check her apartment for anything they could use on her. They went up to Marissa's apartment, and Dominik worked on opening the door. He and Rhea got in, and he started looking around, with Dominik tossing the furniture and other things over, and creating a mess.

"Well, well, well..." Dominik said when he found a secret drawer. "What has she got here?" He lifted out a family journal book, that listed Marissa had two young nieces and a nephew that she occasionally spoke with. Her mother was also in the book, but listed as they didn't talk much. He then spotted something else. A number for an ex partner of hers, so he wrote down the number, and planned to include him in their surprise for her. They kept going around the apartment, before Rhea noticed something else.

 They kept going around the apartment, before Rhea noticed something else

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There on one of the shelves in her bedroom, sat two small urns. One had the name of a dog written on it, and the other photo was of a small baby, that looked like it was just sleeping. Rhea read the tag for that one, and her heart was suddenly no longer wanting to take part of Dominik's plans.

"Dom, we should leave. This is ridiculous..." She began, but Dominik saw behind her, and figured why she was saying that.

"Why? Because you don't want to anymore?" Dominik replied, angrily. "You see a urn with a dead pet, and suddenly your heart goes soft?!"

"That's not..." Rhea started to say. Then, Dominik saw the urn next to the one Marissa had for her dog. He looked at it, saw it was for a baby, and grabbed it from the shelf.

"This, we can use!" He said, and headed back to the front door. "C'mon Rhea!" She shook her head, but followed him anyway. Brock and Marissa's night ended with Marissa wanting to show Brock more of her home, and get a few things to take to his home with them. When they got into the car park, Marissa noticed the front door wide opened, and she ran for the apartment.

"Rissi, wait babe!" Brock shouted, but Marissa was already getting to the stairs. He quickly followed her, only to see her standing just inside the front door, her hand over her mouth. Her apartment was a complete disaster. Furniture and various things she held dear to her, now laying in ruins.

"No..." She softly said, sadly.

"Babe, I'm so sorry." Brock said, as he was about to put his hand on her shoulder. She suddenly thought on something and ran to the bedroom. She took one look at the shelves and noticed what was missing.

"NO!" She cried out. Brock came running in, thinking the perpetrator was still there. "THEY TOOK HIM!" Brock got to the room just in time to catch her before Marissa crumbled to the ground.

"Took who, babe?!" He asked her, worried now.

 "They took my nephew's ashes!" She wept into his shoulder as Brock tried to comfort her. "They took Toshi's urn!" She explained that Toshi was her baby nephew that was born from her sister Mikaela, with severe deformities and wasn't with them for very long. Her sister died from complications during childbirth, and her son died soon after. Her family kept her sister's ashes, while she was able to sneak her nephew's urn out with the things in her duffle that she packed, after grabbing the urn to keep with her in her bedroom. He was the only thing to have to remember her sister and her nephew, and now it was gone. Marissa also explained the urn from her dog, Rose. That it was her dog from her and Jon's living together. Brock understood everything and said that he would not rest until her nephew's ashes were brought home. He then helped her close the apartment's door, and took her back to his home. She was able to calm down and rest for a while, as Brock made some calls. Before long, a plan was made, and he could only wait until it was made clear to him who was at fault, and when her nephew's ashes could be found and returned.

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