Chapter I

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Before reading:
Hope yall enjoy this! I tried my best. I absolutely adore my babes and I really hope that warrior nun will eventually get saved (fingers crossed)

I am a bit scared to share it but it's been sitting in my drafts for a while. I feel like it's bad but I tried. English aint my first language so i am sorry for the grammar mistakes.

The story starts after Ava went at the other side. Hope you guys like it and #SaveWarriorNun


When Ava went to the other side, she took with her a part of Beatrice, a piece of her heart. When Beatrice went back to the OCS, she was devastated. She lost Ava, the love of her life, the only person she truly loved. The person who helped her understand that being herself isn't wrong, who made her stop feeling guilty, the person who saved her. But, Beatrice, she couldn't save Ava and that made her feel guilty because she let her go so easily, she felt like she didn't fight hurt enough but she couldn't change it. She couldn't go back, but if she could...she'd do everything differently.

The first days, Beatrice waited, she tried to be patient, hopeful. But weeks later, Ava was still gone, that's when Beatrice started getting terrified, scared that she wouldn't see Ava again. She started thinking of ways to get into the Ark, but Jillian warned her that it was impossible for a human to walk through. So Beatrice tried to find another way, but she couldn't. Even though she had so much knowledge, it wasn't enough, not against a whole new world, a whole different dimension. She was disappointed with herself and she was going out of her mind and then...the weeks became months, four months,
four months of constant fear. She was wondering, whether she'd see Ava. Her worst case scenario was that Ava was now dead, that she didn't survive ouf there. She hoped she wasn't alone. Part of her, wanted to know what happened to Ava but part of her didn't because, what if it was something bad. Really bad...

It was evening, Beatrice was at Jilian's house, trying to figure everything out, but she was lost with everything. The more she'd look into it, the more confusing it'd get. She spent hours every day, exhausting herself, trying to find Ava to the point where she forgot about herself. While Beatrice was sitting in the room where the Ark was, Camila walked in. Beatrice turned around and looked at her.


"I wanted to check on you and i, figure you'd be here"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Of course. I brought you some food"


"How's it going?"


Beatrice said, she looked down. Camila was really worried, seeing her friend suffering, she wanted to help. She walked closer and touched Beatrice's shoulder. Beatrice lifted her head up and looked at her.

"I know, that things seem, bad right now. But, it'll get better"

"I have to find her."

"Beatrice...i know you care about her. I know you want to find her. But, you also need to be prepared for the possibility that she's-"

"No! Don't say it."

Beatrice said, she backed off. Camila didn't want to spit that out, but she had to find a way to help Beatrice.

"I won't believe it until i see it with my bare eyes. She is not- she can't be"

"Beatrice. Please, listen to me. I know that you loved her"

"I didn't say it back"

Ava told Beatrice she loved her, but Beatrice...she didn't say it back. Ava showed her how much she loved her, but Beatrice wasn't brave enough to say it and she hated herself for it. Camila hugged Beatrice, thinking that would comfort her and make her cry. But Beatrice felt like she was running out of time she instantly backed off and looked at Camila.

"There's a way to find her. I know there is. I can feel it. She's not dead"

"I believe you. I do."

Camila nodded. After a while she left, Beatrice sat down again trying to think clearly but she couldn't, she was now hopeless. That's when she decided to try and walk through the portal alone, she knew it was dangerous and that it could kill her, but she didn't care. She just wanted to find Ava. She activated the Ark and she was right to walk through when suddenly, she saw someone walking closer.

"Ava? Ava is that you?"

No one answered. Seconds later, she saw Ava coming outside the portal, she was about to fall, Beatrice got to catch her and fell down with her. She touched her face, they looked at each other.

"Ava! Look at me"

Ava didn't get to say anything at all, Beatrice didn't get to speak, either. Ava passed out in her arms. Beatrice held her tightly. She fell on the floor. She closed her eyes relieved. Ava was back. She was okay. Everything was okay.

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