Chapter XV

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Meanwhile, Ava went to find the only person that could help her understand what Adriel was planning, Lilith. She was hoping that Lilith would be willing to help at some point. She knew that this plan would either get her the help and answers she needed or it would either get her killed. Both possibilities seemed way better than sitting back and watch the world burn. Ava just believed Lilith was the answer and somehow, she knew where she'd find her.

Ava was walking down a street when suddenly someone pushed her and pinned her against a wall while holding her neg, of course it was Lilith.


"Yeah, i missed you too"

Ava said and chocked, Lilith pulled back.

"You are alive"

"Something like that"

Ava said and took a step back, keeping her distance just in case Lilith would hurt her

"And i could use your help"

"Why me?"

"Because you fought next to Adriel. There's something you must know"

Lilith looked the other way

"Even if i knew something. Why would i help you?"

Lilith didn't seem like she was willing to help. That made Ava a little bit hopeless and maybe a little scared, but she had to convince Lilith. The whole world was basically counting on that

"Because i've got a feeling you wanna do the right thing for a change"

Lilith wanted to help, but she wasn't ready to go back to the OCS. Not after all the things she did.

"I can't go back. I've betrayed them. My family"

"I can't go back either. Not if i wanna protect them. Please help me. The whole world is at stake right now"

Lilith was hesitating to say yes. But Ava was right, Lilith wanted to do the right thing.

"So are you going to help?"

"Yes. But if you are messing with me in any way i will kill you"

"That's- that's fair"

Ava said. After that, Ava and Lilith went to place where they could sit and talk. Figure things out. They weren't exactly best friends so it was obviously weird and awkward. Ava didn't really know how to start, that's why she just stayed quiet instead. But Lilith wasn't known for her patience

"I am losing my patience"

Ava knew that she didn't start talking now, Lilith would probably just leave

"Okay. Okay."

Ava took a deep breath and started talking

"Did Adriel tell you, anything about any enemy he had? Something about the world burning?"

"He actually did"

Ava was glad to hear that. She was ready to hear everything and she'd finally understand

"But again, why would i tell you?"

"Seriously i thought we were past this"

"You are supposed to be with the OCS."

"I told you i can't go back. That leaves me stuck with you."


"I just can't!"

Ava yelled. Then looked down. Even though she and Lilith didn't talk much, Lilith could tell there was something off about Ava

"You are different. Something changed you"

"Just tell me, Lilith. What does he want?"

"He wants his realm back or what he believes is his"

"You mean Reya's realm?"

"A long time ago, Adriel used to live in that realm but just living there, wasn't enough for him, he wanted to become a king. He tried to kill Reya but he only managed to outrage her. That's why he gave Adriel what he wanted."

Ava started getting confused. She blinked surprised

"That doesn't make any sense"

"Let me finish"


Ava said and looked down, then looked at Lilith

"He gave him a realm of his own. But that realm wasn't what Adriel expected. It was dark, a realm that only a monster could rule and soon, Adriel's realm became his prison. He swore revenge and he swore to take back what he believed belonged to him so he"

"Stole the halo. And when Ariela wouldn't return it back, he wanted to create another realm, the one he can rule in his own terms. Right here, on earth his own church"

"And i am guessing you know the rest"

Now everything made perfect sense, everything besides one thing.

"Something doesn't add up. He stole the halo, why did he give it to Areala?"

"Believe it or not, part of him felt empathy for her, he didn't want her to die"

Lilith paused for a second, then continued talking

"There's something you must know, about Adriel's realm, the one Reya created for human can go there, not without a price, not without getting erased"

Ava nodded, she knew that whatever Lilith meant by that, it wasn't good

"So what does he want now?"

"Probably to start a war, against Reya, here on earth"

"We can't, we can't let him do that"

"You can't stop it Ava. No one can"

Lilith said, even though she shared all these informations with Ava, she didn't believe that they'd be able to stop Adriel.

Ava finally knew Adriel's past, maybe she could use that to stop him. But she needed someone to help her. She couldn't do it alone, but Lilith seemed hopeless.

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