Chapter XVII

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After their talk, Ava told Beatrice she found Lilith, then they called Mother Superion and Ava told them everything she knew so that they'd be able to make a plan to stop Adriel.

"So now what?"

Camila asked, it seemed like she hoped for a plan but the problem was, Ava had no plan. She looked down, then looked at Beatrice, she nodded at her, Ava smiled.

"We're still working on that"

Beatrice said. Ava looked down, she sat on the chair. She had so many things in her mind honestly. She was constantly pressuring herself about everything. She was trying to find a plan, she was scared that coming back was a mistake. She was terrified that she'll do something wrong that will lead to the end of the world.

Beatrice looked at Ava, she moved closer to her and touched her back, Ava looked at her

"We'll figure it out."

Beatrice said, Ava nodded, Mother Superion and Camila stared at them and smiled slightly. But they didn't have much time, they'd have to come up with a plan and fast

"Do you remember anything else that can help us, Ava?"
"I already told you everything Lilith told me"
"No I don't mean Lilith"

Ava looked at Mother Superion curiously until she realised where Mother Superion was taking it

"Do you remember anything else from the time you were, at the other side"

Ava looked down. Beatrice knew questions about the Ark could trigger Ava. So
She took some steps closer to mother Superion
"Maybe we shouldn't"

"It's okay"

It wasn't okay. Ava was scared of trying to remember anything, at all. But maybe she'd be able to remember something useful.

"Are you sure?"

Beatrice said surprised. Ava nodded.

"Okay let's just, take it from the start....when you passed through the portal, what happened?"

"I got to a desert. I was still hurt but i had to walk for hours, till i couldn't get my feet to move, i passed out, the next thing i remember was, Reya. She found me, healing took a while. But eventually i was healed. After months"

"Then what happened"

"I was about to leave. Come back when, Adriel happened. He found me, imprisoned me, he wanted the halo, get me to help me. I refused so he-"

Ava could feel her heartbeat raising. She started getting anxious. She looked down. Mother Superion noticed her

"Are you okay?"
"No i-"

Ava got up with rush, she ran out of the room and got to the hallway. Beatrice followed her. When she got out, she Ava standing against the wall holding her chest. Beatrice walked to her.

"I can't do this. I can't-"

Ava said she started breathing fast, rapidly, heavily.

"Okay, look at me."

Ava looked at Beatrice, Beatrice grabbed Ava's hands and put them on her shoulders.
"Hold onto me and breath with me"

Ava nodded

"I got you. It's gonna be okay"

Ava eventually calmed down. She fell into Beatrice's arms. She felt so much better, so much safer. She felt so bad because she couldn't help them, because she was so sensitive about the Ark.

Beatrice still had no idea what happened to Ava while she was gone. Ava still hadn't give her an explanation. She said she wouldn't push her, but she was just too worried.

"Ava. I really don't want to pressure you. I really don't. But I'm worried about you. What happened out there?"

Ava took a deep breath and prepared to tell Beatrice everything

"When Adriel found me he found Reya too. Imprisoned her too and he needed the halo and I wouldn't give it so he kept me there and well, I don't remember much just, pain, dark heartbreak and all that in repeat. For, years"

"Ava oh god"

That was worst than what Beatrice imagined. Ava was in pain for a really long time, she was tortured. She couldn't believe it.

"There is something else"

"I didn't know where Reya was but then I remembered, i think he took her to his realm. Because she's the only thing that can stop him"

"So we have to...."

"We have to rescue Reya."

Ava didn't tell Beatrice and mother Superion. He didn't tell them the last thing Lilith told her, that no human can go to Adriel's realm without getting erased. She thought it was something that she'd have to use

"But the other side, is dangerous without Reya. I am not gonna let our sisters go there. I am not going to let you either"

"No. We are gonna do it together. Okay?  Promise me."


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