Chapter XVI

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During Ava's and Lilith's conversation, back in the OCS, Beatrice was going out of her mind. She wanted to find Ava, she had to find her. Otherwise it would too late.

It was late in the night, Beatrice was siting with Camila, still waiting for a clue on where Ava was.

"I still can't believe she just, left"

"You saw the letter. She did it for you"

"She said the same thing when she went and sacrificed herself. If she really wanted me to happy, she'd talk to me first before rushing into something like that"

"Did you tell her this?"


"Maybe you should"

"Yeah, if we find her"

Beatrice said, she had so many things holding inside her, things, she didn't even know she was feeling until now.

In the meantime, somewhere else, Ava was still trying to convince Lilith to help her stop Adriel

"I told you already. You can't stop him"

"But i can try. I just, can't do it alone. Please, i really need a win right now."

"Do you even have a plan?"

Lilith said, Ava looked the other way, she really had no plan, no idea what to do next. Honestly, without Beatrice, there was a point where she couldn't think clearly. Lilith wasn't really surprised when she realized Ava was in a dead end.

"Didn't think so"

Lilith said and before Ava got to say another world, Lilith disappeared, leaving Ava completely helpless and desperate.

She had no idea, no where else to go. No one that could help her. She'd either have to accept her faith, or either go back, she hated both options. But she couldn't give up, not now.

The next morning, Ava went back to the OCS, she got inside and went to the room where she'd see Beatrice. She was about to knock the door but she was just too scared...she took a deep breath and knocked it eventually. After some minutes, Beatrice opened the door. She was relieved to see Ava.

"I am sorry."


"I shouldn't have-"

Beatrice cut Ava with a tough hug. That made Ava regret leaving almost immediately. Because she remembered the feeling of being in Beatrice's arms. The moment was short though. Because even though Beatrice was relieved, she was still angry, really angry. She pulled back. Ava walked inside, closing the door behind her. Beatrice sat on the bed, Ava sat next to her

"I am really sorry"

"Are you?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You did it again."

Beatrice was ready to take out that feeling she had, ever since Ava left her in that hallway

"Did what?"

Ava said, unable to understand what was happening

"You ran. Alone. Knowing that you may not make it and you didn't tell me. You just, did it on your own and you lied to me again. You just left me a letter. Again"

Beatrice said angrily she was sobbing

"Yeah i did all those things to-"

"Protect me?"

Ava freezed, she didn't know what to say

"Ava, when we say we are in this together it means we are together. I know that, for most of your life, you've been on your own. But now, you've got me. And i'll never leave you. All i am asking is for you to do the same. You have no idea how it's been for me. Every time you disappeared and i knew that i may never see you again"

Ava looked down. She had no idea Beatrice felt like that. She knew that it was probably so hard for Beatrice that she probably spent days and night torturing herself but she never thought that she was so angry

"You are right and i am sorry."

"I know you are. But please don't ever do something like that"

"Okay. Okay"

Beatrice nodded, Ava looked at her, she couldn't help it but smile and reach for a short, but, soft kiss.

"I missed this."

"Yeah me too"

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