Chapter IV

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Beatrice and Ava went to sit by a lake, that always helped Ava calm down, relax, maybe even talk about things that bothered her. Beatrice didn't want to force Ava to open up, she wanted her to calm down. Beatrice knew Ava better than anyone and she thought Ava would feel better and she was right.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. I think"

"Wanna talk about it?"



Beatrice said, she looked at Ava who kept looking down. She moved closer to her.

"Don't you wanna tell me what happened there?"

"It's just that...sometimes. I go back-"

Ava paused, she took a deep breath and pressured herself to continue talking.

"To that place where"

Ava paused again she couldn't continue talking about it. She was still hurting, she was still vulnerable


Ava said, she was getting angry, tired. She wanted to get things out, so bad, but every time she'd think about she'd get flashbacks and get drowned in her thoughts. She knew that Beatrice wanted to help her, that she cared and that she didn't like seeing her hurting.  But she was just not prepared to talk.

"Ava, there's no pressure. Really"

"Could you, do me a favour?"

"Sure. Whatever you want"

"I could use a hug"

Beatrice nodded, she smiled and wrapped her arm around Ava's back. Ava moved slightly closer and laid on Beatrice's shoulder as she grabbed her hands. They stayed there for at least one hour until Ava forgot about the whole thing and started to feel better. Just being close to Beatrice made her feel safe, it was like Beatrice was her medicine.

"Are you hungry? We could grab something to eat"


"Sure thing"

Beatrice chuckled. At least one thing didn't change, Ava's taste in food. Beatrice got up, she offered Ava her hand, she grabbed it and Beatrice pulled her up.


Ava and Beatrice were in the room eating the food Camila brought them. They were having fun, talking to the point where they almost forgot about everything.

Beatrice lifted her head and looked at Ava. She was staring and her gaze just became softer, she was unable to hide her smile. Ava didn't notice her at first, but after some seconds she looked up and saw that Beatrice was staring at her. She chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"You were staring"

Ava said and chuckled again

"No. I wasn't- staring."

"You are so cute when you lie"

Beatrice looked down, pretending to ignore Ava who smiled and grabbed Beatrice's face. She looked at Ava.

"I missed you so much, Bea"

Bea? Beatrice hadn't heard that in, a least from Ava's mouth. It felt so good. Once again, she remembered how much she missed Ava during this whole time.

"I missed you too Ava. So much. You have, no idea"

Ava knew actually. She could understand, she could sense how hard things must've been for Beatrice and she kind of felt guilty for two reasons, she put Beatrice through that.

They were about to pull back when Ava accidentally hit the glass with her hand and spilled the water all over her sweater.



"I know language"

Beatrice started laughing

"Take that off"

"Someone's impatient."

Ava said flirtly and Beatrice knew what she meant by that, that's why she rolled her eyes, even though she liked Ava's flirty side.

"Take it off and i'll give you something clean to wear"

"No it's okay. I'll go for a shower anyway"

Ava said, she got up and walked to the closet, she took some towels and started walking to the bathroom door, when suddenly, she felt like she was about to faint, Beatrice saw her and without hesitation she got up and ran to her, she grabbed her from her back and helped her stand, but once Ava felt Beatrice's touch she groaned, there was obviously something hurting her.

"What is it Ava?"

"That hurt"

Beatrice helped Ava walk to the bed. She was about to pull Ava's sweater up but Ava stopped her

"No. You don't have to-"
"Ava let me see"

Beatrice said, she pulled it up, she saw some bruises and scars all over Ava's body and most of them seemed bad, really bad. It kind of made sense, that's why Ava didn't want to take that sweater off. Beatrice's mouth went wide open once she saw the scars. What happened to her? Who did this to her? Why?


Ava looked down and pulled her sweater down in rush. Then she looked at Beatrice

"That's why you didn't want to take your clothes. You didn't want me to see this"

"They'll heal"

Ava said and looked down again. It was obviously important and bad, but Ava, she didn't want to admit it and she also didn't tell Beatrice because she knew she'd get more worried.

Beatrice wanted to do something. She felt so bad, guilty and kind of angry at Ava for not telling her.

"Ava. You should have told me. You need rest in order to heal properly"

"Bea i am okay"

"No. Ava! You are not"

Beatrice said a little louder than usual. She didn't mean to yell but she was worried about Ava.

"I am just, worried. Please."

Ava nodded, she saw how serious the look on Beatrice's face was, that she wasn't joking at all. That's why she wouldn't say no and she'd just do whatever Beatrice would ask her to do.

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