Chapter XI

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Ava went back to the abandoned building. She promised Beatrice she wouldn't fight them alone, so she just went to the basement and tried to spy on them to see what they were saying. It had been a long time since Ava had done that.

One of the things that didn't change is how clumsy Ava could get at times. Ava was hiding behind a wall, she took some steps back and accidentally stepped on a chair making a really loud voice.

"Oh fuck!"

Ava yelled but once she realized that she made more noise she covered her mouth with her hand but it was too late. A man started walking towards her, she took off her sword, Ava hide behind the wall again, and when the man stepped, in front of her she grabbed him from his neg and put the sword close to him

"Stay quiet or i swear to god, i am going to kill you"

"Everything okay there?"

Ava heard someone saying, she squized the guy she was holding, he chocked out.

"It's clear"

The guy said. Ava looked behind the wall and saw how many people were out there. It was almost impossible for her to fight all of them. The man took the chance and pushed Ava on the wall. She fell down. Ava grabbed his legs and pulled him down, he fell on his knees, then she took her sword from the ground and stabbed him.

Ava got up, she felt the halo burning in her back. She didn't care how many men there were there, she just felt the urge to kill all of them, because she remembered all the pain she went through when she was all alone in the other side. She wanted revenge and for the next minutes, her anger turned to rage and without even realizing it, she killed every single last one of them.

Ava was sitting on the floor, her clothes, face and hands all covered in blood, she was in shock. She had never done something like that in her entire life. Killing so many people, she knew that, it would probably haunt her for a really long time. Once Ava she realized what really happened she felt so guilty, disappointed by herself and not as relieved as she thought she'd feel. How would she be able to go back to the OCS after what she did? How would she able to go back to Beatrice. What would she think of her?


Ava went back to the OCS, devastated and still shocked about what just happened. She knocked the door, Beatrice opened it, she was relieved to see Ava but that relief was just temporary because Beatrice immediately noticed the blood all over Ava's clothes and face. Luckily, no one else was there.


"I- i am sorry"

Ava said slowly, her eyes were red since she had been crying all the way back to the castle. Beatrice blinked shocked and confused. Beatrice hugged Ava and she laid on her shoulder without hugging her back. Beatrice pulled Ava inside and closed the door. Then she took her to their room without anyone seeing them. Ava sat on the bed. Beatrice didn't know what to do, Ava seemed really lost in that moment. She walked closer to Ava, she sat up on her knees and grabbed Ava's hands, Ava looked at her.

"Bea...i- i am a  horrible horrible person and, i- oh my god"

Ava started breathing rapidly,  she kept shaking and was about to get up but Beatrice grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down softly

"Ava calm down. You are not. Okay? Please just"

"No,no. I am a bad person. Fuck. Fuck. What did i do?"

Ava suddenly felt like she couldn't breathe. She was obviously having a panic attack. It wasn't the first time. Back in the Alps, she'd have many panic attacks but Beatrice always knew how to handle it.

"Ava, Ava. Look at me. Okay? Breath. Breath, breath."

Ava looked at Beatrice, she started breathing with her and eventually calmed down and breathed normally.

"What happened?"

Beatrice said desperately

"I went that abandoned building and um they saw me and i just, the next thing i know killed every single person in the room"

"Oh Ava"

"I'm a murderer"

Ava said and fell in Beatrice's arms, she placed her head against her chest. Beatrice put her arms around Ava's shoulders, Ava started crying. Beatrice Ava was hurting, that was obvious since she came back. But, that was worst way worst and now hearing Ava calling herself a murderer that sucked more than anything. It was so unfair. She wanted to make Ava feel better, she'd do everything to take that pain away from her.

"Shh. It's okay. It's okay"

"No no. It's not okay. It's not okay"

Ava said her voice full of tears as she kept squeezing into Beatrice's hug and shaking. She was going out of her mind. She didn't know what else she could do next.

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