Chapter XVIII

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Beatrice didn't know much only that she would never let Ava go there alone. Never again. She promised that to herself the day Ava came back.

After Ava's and Beatrice's talk, the plan was clear. The only way to stop Adriel was Reya, they'd have to go and rescue her.


Ava and Beatrice knew that mother Superion would never let them go there alone. So they'd do it in secret. And they had plan, Ava had her own plan too.

They got ready and went to the ark. They activated it and passed through the portal. The other side was as Ava remembered, well not exactly. When she first got there, the other side was beautiful, perfect, a real paradise, but when Adriel found her and Reya, that changed. It was like hell. So now that she was back, she couldn't help i, she started getting terrified.

"You okay?"
"Let's just do this and be done with"
"Do you know where, that portal is"
"I think i do"

Beatrice nodded. They were ready to start running when some possessed guys rushed to them, they weren't even surprised they went there ready to fight.

When they knocked down all of them, they started going towards the place Ava believed the portal was. When they got there they saw a huge portal, black, dark. It seemed like it was a place full of chaos. Ava knew what she had to do. But she wasn't ready. When suddenly, the ground started shaking, Ava grabbed Beatrice's hand.

"What the fuck?"

"This world is collapsing and soon, earth will follow to its footsteps"

That voice, Adriel's voice. Beatrice and Ava turned around. They saw him standing there, proudly.

"What did you do?"

"Reya, she's getting more week and the more week she gets, the more i strong i get. And her kingdom is slowly turning to ashes"

"Why are you doing this?"

"She sent me to hell, so i am bringing hell to her world"
"What are you gonna do to us?"

"I'll leave you here to burn knowing that your world is about to burn too."


Ava said she grabbed her sword ready to rush to him, Beatrice grabbed Ava and stopped her

"I got this"

Ava said she let go of Beatrice and ran towards Adriel ready to fight. She was about to stabbed him with her sword but she grabbed it and threw it down, then grabbed Ava's hand and held her to the ground. That was when Ava took the chance, grabbed the crown and put it on Adriel's head he fell down. Ava kneeled down, Beatrice rushed to her and helped her get up

"We don't have much time. The realm will collapse we need to go"

"What about Reya?"

"We don't have time. And he'll come back, we need to run"

Ava said, she got up and ran back to the portal. They were ready to pass through, go back to earth when Ava stopped walking, she realized what Lilith meant when she said, no human can go to Adriel's realm without getting erased
Beatrice turned around and looked at her confused

"What are you doing"
"You're going to forget me"

Ava said, she was as shocked as Beatrice was

"What? Ava don't do something stupid"

"Lilith told me that no human can go there without being erased but I didn't get it then. Now i do. You are going to forget who i am

Beatrice freezed. Not again. Not again

"Ava don't. Don't you dare"
"I am not going to apologize. I have to do this. I started this i am gonna finish it"

Beatrice started crying. She ran towards Ava 

"Please no no. No. I am begging you don't do this again. You promised"

Beatrice said, she was ugly crying. Her voice broke. Ava couldn't handle it. She couldn't handle listening to her crying

"It's okay. I'll come back. And I promise you Bea. I'll make you remember me. I will"
"What if something goes wrong? What if something doesn't work?"

Ava reached for Beatrice's face and kissed her then pulled back

"I love you Beatrice. I loved you from the start. I love you now, tomorrow and till i take my last breath. Always."

Ava said and put her forhead against Beatrice's

"Do you trust me?"

Ava said and she slowly backed off


"Then you are going to walk through that portal and never come back. I promise you Beatrice i'll make it back to you"

Ava said and hugged Beatrice. Then pulled back.
"Just, close your eyes"

Beatrice did as Ava told her. Ava smoothly pushed her into the portal. Then went back to the other portal. That was probably the worst choice she'd take but, the world wad at stake.

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