Chapter XIII

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After Adriel left, Ava ran to the room, without even speaking. Seeing him after everything that happened, was harder than she thought. She had so many things going on in her head. The guiltlessness about what happened last night, the pain after all the things she went through, the fear that Adriel or whoever they're up against would come back and cause chaos. She was in a dead end. She didn't know what to do next. She was honestly losing her mind. At that moment, she didn't know anything, anything at all.

Beatrice gave Ava some time. After about an hour, she went to the room, she knocked the door.

"May i come in?"

Ava had been crying for the last hour, so she whipped her tears and tried to hide it


Ava said, her voice breaking. It was so obvious that she was crying. Beatrice got inside, she walked to the bed and sat next to Ava. She didn't say anything for some minutes. She just stayed quiet, Ava looked at her and Beatrice smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Weird. I don't know what i feel"

Beatrice moved closer, she touched Ava's hand

"I am here for you. You know i am"

"I just- have you ever felt like- like the whole world, everything around keeps moving forward but you're just, stuck there not knowing who you are? Or what you are doing"

Ava's words made Beatrice feel so terrible, that was really how Ava was feeling all this time? Was she really feeling that lost? Beatrice shook her head.

"I've been feeling like that since i came back. You know and it's like, i don't even know who i am anymore or like- like what am i even doing here?"

Ava looked down, she felt her tears ready to roll down her face but she held them, knowing she'd have to save them for what she was about to do. Ava pulled her hand back and looked the other way. Beatrice could feel how awkward Ava got

"I can't be here"

Ava whispere

"We can go outside. To the river"

"No. You know what i mean"

Ava pulled back, she just kept getting more distant. Beatrice understood immediately, she knew Ava very well.

"Ava don't"

"I have to. I have to do this. Beatrice please don't make this harder"

Ava said she got up

"I've got to go"

Ava said and with that she walked out of the room and out of the castle. She needed some air. But she knew Beatrice would follow her.

Ava ended up going to a mountain edge. Beatrice walked behind her. She knew Ava and that pressuring her too much wouldn't do anything in a situation like this.


Ava turned around she looked at Beatrice

"Bea i'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just come here and we'll figure it out"

"No! See that's the problem. There's no, we. I am not going to risk you getting hurt."

Beatrice knew that she'd have to find the right words to convince Ava not to leave. She took some tiny steps closer

"I won't. We can beat him, or whatever it is that we'll have to face, together. Like always"

"He's not the only thing that could hurt you"


Beatrice said in confusion. That was it, Ava's fear was about to get revealed. The thing she's been worried about all along

"You've seen what i can do, when i'm out of control. What if i- i've got to go"

"Ava you would never hurt me. I know that and I know you"

Ava shook her head and started sobbing

"You don't. I am not the person i was. Everything changed the moment i passed that portal."

"Ava i still don't understand, what happened to you. I still have, so many questions"

Beatrice said as she started walking closer to Ava slowly

"But i do know that, we've been through so much to get here. Don't let your fears get in the way of that"

Beatrice knew what she was talking about. She had been there. She let her fears stop her from telling Ava the truth and she spent so long regretting that

"Don't go"

Beatrice said, she was eventually close to Ava, she touched her hand, Ava couldn't help it but give in, for a while at least. Beatrice pulled close and kissed her.

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