Chapter VI

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Beatrice stayed up looking after Ava while she was sleeping. Even though Ava didn't get to sleep much because about one hour after Ava fell asleep, Beatrice realized that she was having a bad dream.

Beatrice felt her shaking, she looked at her. Ava grabbed a pillow and put it under her jaw while holding it tightly. Beatrice was staring at her curiously, she was hoping Ava would calm down, that her nightmare wasn't so bad. But when Ava started sobbing Beatrice decided to wake her up. Beatrice touched Beatrice's back, her t- shirt was wet, she was sweating. She shook her softly, trying not to scare her but Ava didn't wake up. She continued crying.

"Let me go! Please. I can't do this again"

Ava yelled, Beatrice couldn't take it, whatever Ava was watching was bad. Beatrice moved closer "Ava" Beatrice whispered, she touched Ava's cheek. "Ava please wake up" Beatrice yelled, that made Ava jump up, she was still in shock, she grabbed Beatrice's wraist.

"No! Not again"

"Ava- what?"

"I am done with you and your bullshit. Let me go"

Ava said, with anger, she kept putting pressure on Beatrice's hand. Beatrice didn't even know Ava had this kind of streignth, that actually hurt.

"Ava. That hurts"

Beatrice said shocked. When Ava heard that she realized what was happening she let go of Beatrice's wraist, her hand started shaking, she pulled away from Beatrice, she placed her knees under her jaw and wrapped her arms around her legs. She placed her head between her arms and started crying again. She still hadn't realize she hurt Beatrice but when she'd do, she'd feel really stupid and guilty.


"I am sorry Beatrice. I am sorry. I am so sorry"

"You didn't do anything wrong"

Ava looked at Beatrice, her eyes were red, wet after all the crying, tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?"

Beatrice said quietly, she didn't mind Ava grabbing her hand like that, she was shocked after that dream

"No. No, i am not. I can't do this anymore"

"Ava, talk to me. Please"

Beatrice said, she touched Ava's back, Ava was about to speak but then, she looked at Beatrice's hand and noticed red it got, then she looked at Beatrice again.

"Beatrice did i do that?"

Beatrice blinked and pulled her hand back hiding it from Ava's sight

"It's nothing"

"No it's not nothing. I did that. I hurt you"

"You didn't mean to-"

Beatrice said trying to calm Ava down. But that didn't matter. Ava still hurt Beatrice without even realizing it and he could have done way worse than that, she can do way worse than that.

Ava's guilt came in, crashing her. She got up from the bed and turned her back in Beatrice. Beatrice got up immediately and stood in front of her.

"It's okay."

Ava didn't say anything, she shook her head. Beatrice moved closer and touched her shoulder, Ava touched Beatrice's hand.


Ava didn't say anything again. She couldn't even look at Beatrice.

"Ava look at me"

Ava turned around, she looked at Beatrice. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening to me and im just-"

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