Chapter X

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Ava took Beatrice to the OCS and put her on the bed, she was still unconscious, Ava was cleaning up Beatrice's wounds. When she finished she sat on the chair and waited for Beatrice to wake up. Ava knew Beatrice would probably need some days to recover from everything and she knew she wouldn't leave Beatrice side ever again after what happened and she was willing to take good care of her even though Beatrice wouldn't let her do that.
Ava didn't sleep the entire night. She was sitting on a chair next to Beatrice so that she'd be awake when Beatrice would wake up.

It was early in the morning, Beatrice woke up. She opened her eyes and tried to sit up but it was a bit difficult, she left little moan, Ava rushed to her and touched her arm

"Hey take it easy"

"Ava what happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Not really. I just remember walking in the street and then everything is like, blurry"

"Long story short. You got possessed by a demon"


"Yes and i had to-"

"Oh god Ava i am sorry"

"Don't be as long as you're here i am okay but please Beatrice don't ever disappear on me like that again. Okay? Ever"


Ava nodded, she hugged Beatrice softly trying not hurt her more than she already did. Then backed off.

"Okay. Now. You'll get some sleep and you'll take it easy today"

"We still got Adriel's followers"

"You are all that matters now"

Ava said, she touched Beatrice's hand, Beatrice smiled and nodded

"Okay but can we at least, talk about, how did Adriel's followers come back and why? Is Adriel back too?"

Ava immediately looked down, she started thinking about the Ark again, she obviously knew more than Beatrice did.


"We have got to stop them. I will. I am going to find them and him. I am gonna find them and i am gonna kill every single one of them"

Ava said, her voice was deep dakr her face went dark there was so much hatred between her eyes.


Ava shook her head and after some seconds she was Ava again

"Yes. Just, rest and we can talk later"

"No i am okay we need to-"

Beatrice was about to get up but Ava didn't let her

"No. No. You are going to rest. Do it for me. Okay? I'll go to the building see if they-"
"No no. No you are not going there alone"
"I am not gonna fight them alone. I am not crazy i'll just go check how many are they"



Beatrice nodded. She laid back on the bed and Ava laid next to her. She let her fall into her arms and Beatrice eventually fell asleep. Ava didn't really sleep, she just stayed up looking after Beatrice.

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