Chapter VII

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The next morning, Ava and Beatrice got up, they went to run tests to make sure Ava was okay and then they went to a room for training.

"Okay Ava, you are still healing so we'll take it easy today, okay?"

"Sure but, we might have a problem"

"What kind of problem?"

Ava looked down, the problem was- the halo hadn't work since Ava came back, for some reason it just wouldn't work, as hard as Ava tried to do it.

"What problem Ava?"

"The halo it won't work and I don't know why"

"You are still walking. Right?"

Ava nodded

"Well then the halo is just fine, we'll figure it out"

Ava looked down

"Yeah right"

Ava said in not so hopeful way. Beatrice moved closer and touched Ava's shoulder, Ava looked at her

"Just trust me"

"I do i just- god I remember training with you in the Alps and it feels ages ago it's weird, especially after..."


Ava looked down again she shook her head, she started fidgeting with her fingers

"Could we not train today? Please? I just feel, tired"

"That's okay. What do you want to do?"

"That lake yesterday it was really, nice. Could we go there and then we can get ready for that not date- date"

That made Beatrice chuckled, Ava chuckled too.

"Yeah yeah. We can do that"

Beatrice stared at Ava with the cutest way possible. Ava smiled "thank you" Ava said happily and kissed Beatrice on the cheek. That usually made Beatrice panic, it still did but not so much, it just reminded her every time Ava would do that in the Alps and that she'd always think to herself god i love this girl so much and then she'd continue telling herself that it was wrong, that she shouldn't feel that way, that Ava would never feel the same and that she was betraying all her beliefs but there was she now, dating the girl she was so madly in love with hours before they'd go on a real date together.

Ava grabbed Beatrice's hand they walked outside the castle and went to the lake, they sat there for a couple hours.

Ava and Beatrice were sitting by the lake just chatting, they completely forgot about bailing on training, when all of the sudden, Beatrice noticed Ava getting lost in her thoughts. At first, Ava started staring into the void, she couldn't even pay attention to what Beatrice was saying and that was weird because Ava always listened to Beatrice as carefully as she could and she was really quiet that was also a not so Ava thing to do.

Beatrice stopped talking she looked at Ava who didn't seem to notice anything, she grabbed her arms and shook her softly, Ava's head jumped up, she looked at Beatrice with eyes wide open.

"Sorry. You were saying?"

"Ava, what happened?"

"I don't know. I don't know"

Ava said, she got a bit anxious, rush, she got up, Beatrice did too and stood in front of her.

"Ava, it's okay. It's okay"
"Bea, i- i dont know what am I doing. I mean i fucked everything up like i always do"

"Don't say that"

"But it's the truth. I've been acting so complicated i can't even use the fucking halo and that makes me fucking useless, more useless than i already am"

"No,no. You- are not useless. Okay? Please don't, talk like that about yourself"

Beatrice hated to hear Ava talking like that, because yes, Ava was a little complicated but it's not like Beatrice wasn't. And Ava was sure as hell not useless, she's the exact opposite. She meant a lot, to the OCS and Beatrice, many warrior nuns passed through the OCS but no one was as special as Ava was.

Beatrice grabbed Ava's hands she lifted them and kissed them, Ava looked at her, stunned, Beatrice pulled her closer and hugged her, one of those hugs that made Ava melt, relax, just feel full and safe.

"I don't know what i would do without you"

Ava whispered, Beatrice backed off and smiled at Ava but, her smile quickly faded away, she looked at Ava trying to figure out what was happening to her, what happened to her out there and why did she come back so lost. She said she wouldn't push her but, she had a million unanswered questions, those kind of questions that only Ava could answer.

"Ava...what happened, while you were at the Ark?"

Ava looked down, she took a deep breath  and sat on the edge next to the river again, she started playing with her fingers, Beatrice stood next to her, Ava lifted her head up and made eye contact with Beatrice for a bit, she shook her head.

"Ava please, just talk to me."

"I need some time, before i start talking about what happened to me, there."

Beatrice nodded, she offered Ava her hands, Ava took them and Beatrice pulled her up

"Take as much time as you need, just remember, you can always talk to me"

Ava knew that she could trust Beatrice, it was just too hard to open up. Ava looked down again, Beatrice wanted Ava to feel better, so she softly pushed her with her shoulders, Ava looked at her.

"We better hurry, if you still want that not date, date"

Ava chuckled, Beatrice wrapped her hands around Ava's neg and they started walking together.

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