Chapter XII

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Ava calmed down eventually, she and Beatrice were laying on a bed while cuddling. That was all Ava needed at the moment. Beatrice was the only thing that could remind Ava who she really was. Because Beatrice was the only thing Ava knew. If it even makes sense

"Are you feeling better?"

Beatrice whispered as she cuddled Ava's hair.  Ava lifted her head up.

"Yeah. Totally. I mean, i am going to hell anyway"

Ava said, well she knew there wasn't such thing as heaven and hell but then again, that was Ava, making jokes at bad timing was kinda her thing

Beatrice said her voice strict

"Okay sorry"
"You know that, this was not your fault. Right?"

Ava sat up, she breathed out, Beatrice sat next to her. She looked at Ava who kept looking down

"It was and don't say it wasn't. I shouldn't have killed them i mean, how am i gonna forget this? I wanna stop him. Because i am going out of my fucking mind"

"We will. Promise. We can do this, together"

"No. Not together"


"I can't have you getting hurt again you scared the shit out of me last night I can't go through it again"

"And i am not letting you go on fight all by yourself ever again. I already lost you once and i can't go through it again either"

Ava knew how hard time Beatrice must've had all the time she was gone. During the time she was in the other side, she'd have in her mind all the moments she had with Beatrice but, one of them, one specific memory, one specific moment was stuck in Ava's head- the moment Beatrice had to let her in the Ark. The look on Beatrice's face all the different emotions she was going through, it killed Ava that everything that happened was her fault, that she was the reason Beatrice went through that and she was the reason Beatrice might go through it again. Ava kept thinking that maybe she'd have to sacrifice herself again to stop Adriel, but...that meant Beatrice would hurt all over again. So maybe until they'd find a way out, they'd have to be apart.

"Bea maybe we should-"

Ava didn't get to finish what she wanted to say, they heard an explosion from outside. They ran immediately to the front porch where they saw Adriel standing there. The first thing Ava did was stand in front of Beatrice wanting to protect her.

"Ava, long time no see"


"Miss me?"

Adriel said and with that Ava's anger started coming to the surface again

"What do you fucking want?"

"You know what i want"

"The halo right? Then come and get it"

"It's been so long and you still don't understand that i am on your side"

"On my side? On my side? Are you fucking kidding me? After everything that you've put me through?"

Beatrice was watching the whole thing terrified by what could come next, but she was ready to stop in if necessary

"Give me the halo Ava. Or else, you'll have to fight something stronger than anything you've faced before and believe me when i say, this world will burn"

What? What did he mean by that? So many questions were created in both Beatrice's and Ava's head. Ava looked at Beatrice who shook her head and basically telling Ava not to do something stupid.


Ava said, Beatrice and Adriel were both suprised by that.

"Ava what are you doing?"

"Just, just trust me"

Ava said, trying to seem sure even though she had no idea what she was doing.

"But first i need you to tell me what did you mean by what you just said"

"I can't. But i can show you. Come with me. To the other side"

"I am not going back there"

Ava looked at Beatrice. They both knew they couldn't trust Adriel. Ever.

"I am not the villain"

Once Ava heard that, she couldn't do anything but get angry. Adriel tortured her, left her something she'll never forget.

"Are you fucking kidding me? After everything you've put me through. I don't believe you. "

"Don't say i didn't warn you Ava."

Adriel said and with an explosion he disappeared. Beatrice started staring at Ava, she knew they were up against something really evil, worst than anything they faced before but for some reason, she couldn't get out of her mind what happened with Ava before Adriel came. Was Ava gonna break up with her? Ava turned around, she looked at Beatrice they had a small eye contact but then Ava looked down, avoiding Beatrice. She had already made up her mind.

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