Chapter Fourteen

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Hello babes! I've missed you so much and I can't believe that you all got this story to over 13 thousand reads. I honestly love all of you tons! I'm trying my best to update quickly but it's the last weeks of school and I have finals and projects so you probably won't get another one until next week or the week after. Anyways, enjoy and I love you angels.


Today, Maya and I woke up super early, got dressed, and cooked, all to surprise her dad with breakfast on his birthday.

Hours later we take the food into the room before switching the lights on and placing the food on the night stand.

"Happy Birthday!" We yell jumping onto the bed and kissing his cheeks.

"Morning girls." He says, wiping his eyes before turning over to continue his previous activity.

"No you can't go back to sleep, we have a busy day ahead." I say poking him in his ribs. "Eat and shower. Maya and I will be in the living room waiting. Hurry!" I say standing and taking Mya's hand.

"Yeah hurry daddy," Maya says poking her tongue out at him.

Moments later I hear the shower running and Maya and I sit in the kitchen waiting for the king to finish his daily routine.

"What are we doing later K?" Maya asks wiping cookie crumbs off of her.

"We're going to a party." I say picking her up and placing her on the kitchen table while I sweep.

"How old is daddy?" She asks me.

"Old." I reply and we both laugh before we hear the shower turn off.

Things have been getting better between Maya and I. It seems like she's letting me in and adapting to the thought of me being around.

"Hey K?"


"Do you like me?"

Her question catches me off guard. To be so young she's smart and observant.

"I really like you. You're incredible baby."

"I'm not a baby but I like you too." She says smiling at me.

Jays POV

Katana and Maya have been being super sneaky all day which I know has to do with it being my birthday.
Both are really incredible for what ever they have planned.

"Where are we going?" I ask for the third time and of course for the third time no one answers me.

"Fine be that way." I say huffing and sinking into my seat.

I look over at Katana who is currently driving and then at Maya and wonder how I could have gotten so lucky.

I watch as we pull up onto a familiar street and up to the gates that held my entire childhood.

"What are we doing here?" I ask Katana, my voice shaking a bit.

"You'll see." She states and I can here the smile in her voice.

We drive down the long path and soon the house that I treasured for so many years comes into view.

My grandparents house was always special to me. It's a place that for many years held my sisters and me while my parents got their lives to get her.

Every Sunday we'd go swimming in the lake or to the ice cream parlor 4 blocks over until one day my parents came and took us away.

"Come on." Katana says killing the engine and we all get out.

We walk up to the house and Katana knocks on the big wooden door and it soon opens but no one is there.

"Come on K, no one is here." I say trying to turn around.

She doesn't seem to hear me but instead grabs my hand and leads me into to shouts of surprise.

"Holy shit." I gasp and look around to see everyone staring back at.

Around me stands some of the most important people in my life, my family.

The day continues incredibly and now here I stand in the kitchen with some buddies, my uncles, and father.

"So Jay, what's up with that erm, Katakana girl anyways?" My uncle Daniel asks while opening his second beer.

"She's my girlfriend and it's Katana." I state matter of factly.

"Hmm, I mean she's kind of, well how do I say this nicely? She's black." He says leaving against the counter and the room becomes deathly quiet.

"What does that have to do with anything?" My father asks his brother.

"Nothing, I just, well I was concerned when he brought that other black chick home and well here he goes again. Black women only use him. I mean can't he find someone-"

"White?" A voice sounds in the distance and I turn only to see the subject of conversation.

"Katana." I say and she doesn't even acknowledge me.

"Well yeah, that's what I'd like." He says looking back at her.

"Well we don't always get what we want." She says, sits a plate down, and storms out of the kitchen with me of course in tow.

"What the hell was that?" She asks pulling me into the first empty bed room.

"That was Uncle Daniel." I reply.

She huffs before turning her back to me.

"You didn't even try," she says and the tears are evident in her voice.

"I didn't try?"

"You didn't say anything. You just stood there and let him say whatever he wanted."

"Kat he's my uncle."

"I'm your girlfriend." She replies and looks at me with the saddest eyes.

"When I first met you, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew that people, many people, would have an opinion. I knew that they'd see us as color and not as lovers. That's just how the world works. I shouldn't blame you for what he says but I can blame you for not saying anything," she says and I understand everything clearly.

Things with Vanessa were very similar. My family, mostly aunts and uncles, would turn their noses up at her and try to make her uncomfortable and she cracked and left me. I didn't want history to repeat itself so I did what I felt was necessary.

Grabbing Katana's hand I pull her down the hallway and into the main room, cut the music off, and called for attention.

"Now, some of you have no problem with the beautiful, incredible, gorgeous woman standing beside me but for those of you listen closely. You can talk about me but do not talk about her. You can have opinions on her but you better keep them hoes silent. But since everyone has so much to say about her, say it now."


"Oh no, we're aren't gonna be quiet when seconds ago you had so much to say."


"You know what since no one remembers how to speak this party is over. F you all, we're going home. I'm gonna take my black ass baby, isn't that what you called her Aunt Laura? And my black ass woman and go the fuck home." I say and I grab Maya and Katana and we leave.

The saddest part is that no one tried to stop me and in that moment I realize that soon I may have to choose between Kat and my family.

And much to their dismay, Katana will win.

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