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Freya wakes up in her dress, eyelids heavy as she rolls into a sitting position. She doesn't remember when she fell asleep, but when she checks her phone, she sees that it's nine a.m.

On her screen, she notices a message from Cole Caufield, and she hurries to open it. Shit. She must have fallen asleep before receiving it.


Conversation with Cole Caufield

well im really glad i got to see you in your
dress :) you were 100% the prettiest
person there

oh my gosh, i'm so sorry i passed tf
out apparently right before getting your
last message.
im terrible, im so sorry.


Groaning, Freya collapses back onto the bed, embarrassed and upset with herself. She isn't even all that sure why she decided to follow Cole last night. Probably because Tate and Jess were bothering her about him all night long-asking if she had a crush on him or would think about seeing him again.

The answers to those questions were absolutely and absolutely, but she didn't allow herself to admit it to her friends last night. She was content to pack all of her feelings deep inside her chest where no one would ever find them or bother her about it.

Only it seems some of those feelings spilled out on their own accord when Freya drunkenly decided to follow Cole on instagram and get his number.

What happened to no more athletes? she snaps at herself. Do you not remember Dalton? You're just asking to get hurt.

Shaking her head, Freya rises to her feet, peeling off the long red dress she'd worn to Jess's event. Fortunately, she has no classes today, so she won't have to deal with this splitting hangover headache while professors drone on and on over a video lecture about history or anthropology.

She opts instead to shower and wash the night from her skin. Still, Cole lingers in the back of her mind, and she starts to wonder how long her whole no more athletes promise is going to hold up. If her mother heard about it, she'd warn Freya off men altogether.

Outside the shower, Freya returns to her phone, where Cole hasn't yet responded. She worries she may have scared him off yesterday-she's too nervous to go back and check that everything she remembers happening actually did happen. His words, so sweet and kind, still echo in her head as she opens a new chat.


canada lovers 🧎‍♀️

so i officially can't be left alone w my
phone when im drunk, like ever

Tate 😈
idek how you're typing coherent
messages rn, im literally puking my
brains out after last night

Jess(ies Girl)
i slept in Tate's room and can confirm
there has been a lot of throwing up for
her. and i am an empathetic puker :(

Tate 😈
so basically just avoid this half of the apt
frey lol

Jess(ies Girl)
what did you do last night that was so
terrible freya?

i'm partially blaming yall bc u were both
on my ass so much about Cole that
drunk Frey apparently decided to
not only follow him with both
my real insta and my spam
but also to then ask for his number
over DM 🤩

Tate 😈
omg no you did not
while drunk i may or may
not also have followed a bunch
of the squad members on instagram
so....tough looks all around

whyyy did you follow them T 💀

Tate 😈
hey, you followed them too
and they all also followed me back
one even dm'd me asking if i knew

Jess(ies Girl)
well now i feel safe telling you many of
them followed me too

Did Cole follow yall ?

Tate 😈

Jess(ies Girl)
no not cole

Tate 😈
why do you ask miss pfieffer 🤨
would u have been, dare i say,
a lil jealous 🫣

Jess(ies Girl)

no, why would i be jealous.
that would be silly.


freyzygorl69 on instagram: caught in the act simpin on da telephone while outrageously hungover 😵‍💫 thanks 4 the pic hoe (@ tateisgr8)

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freyzygorl69 on instagram: caught in the act simpin on da telephone while outrageously hungover 😵‍💫 thanks 4 the pic hoe (@ tateisgr8)

Liked by coolguycole123 and 7 others.


tateisgr8: yw 🫶🏻

freyzygorl69: i hope ur fave heels break on ur way 2 work xoxo

↪ ↪tateisgr8: i hope ur man finds out u still sleep w a teddy bear xox

↪ ↪↪freyzygorl69: keep allan's name outta yo mouth

coolguycole123: still so pretty :)

freyzygorl69: :)

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