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freyzygorl69's story

freyzygorl69's story

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As Freya nestles under the covers beside him, Cole places a hand lightly against her waist, unable to keep his touch from her. She's addicting, and he can never get enough.

After watching several episodes of t.v. in bed, they settle down for the first night in Cole's new apartment. It's not quite as nice as his old one, but it was the best Cole could do on short notice, and at least it's closer to the rink than Nick's North Shore place.

Cole kisses Freya's forehead, and as he pulls her into his chest, he feels her tense a little. She hesitates. He pulls his head back to look down at her, concerned. She doesn't look upset, but he can tell there's something on her mind-something he can't place. So he prompts, "What is it?"

"Can I-ask you something?" Freya murmurs, running a finger down Cole's chest. He nods, and Freya adds, "But don't be mad at me for asking-because I know it's gonna sound bad, and I don't mean it the way it's gonna come out. I don't want you to think-"

"Frey," he interrupts, thumbing her bottom lip gently with a smile. "What is it?"

She sighs, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before blurting, "Are you a virgin?"

If she really expected Cole to be mad, she definitely gets the surprise of her life when Cole breaks into laughter right away. He has to roll away from Freya for a moment, in order to give his lungs room to expand. "What?" he exclaims, eyes watering. "Did I really do that bad of a job when we hooked up?"

Freya slaps his shoulder. "Would you stop it?" she grumbles, even as a grin creeps across her face. "It's a serious question-and it has nothing to do with your...performance."

Sniffling, Cole props himself up on one elbow and turns to his side so that he's facing her. "It's not?" he counters. "Then what would make you ask that?"

Embarrassed, Freya buries her face in her hands, peaking through her fingers at the ceiling above them. With a groan, she flips over and mirrors his position, her hand resting on her fist as she meets his gaze. "Because," she moans, "you haven't even like tried to fuck me." She raises her eyebrows at him. "Is it because you think I'm ugly?"

"Oh my god," Cole drones, nudging Freya's shoulder so that she falls onto her back for a moment. He lets her roll back over before replying, "You are literally the most beautiful person in the world." As he says it, Freya purses her lips in a little pout, and Cole can't help leaning forward to kiss her. When he pulls back, he's the one to raise his eyebrows at her. "I'm not a virgin," he answers. "How fast am I supposed to work? We've only been together like five total nights since we got back to Montreal."

"Yeah," Freya responds, "and we've had sex zero of those nights."

Cole's gaze narrows. "Is this you asking me if I want to have sex right now?" he tries.

Freya throws her head back, grumbling again in annoyance. "This would be the worst way to have sex for the first time-by having this conversation." She gestures wildly between them, which makes Cole laugh again.

He admires the rosiness in her cheeks as she stares at him, blue eyes playing back and forth across his smug expression. "So then what are you saying?" he asks.

Freya shrugs, averting her gaze. "Just-is there a reason?" she mumbles.

Seeing that she's at least a little bothered, Cole loops an arm beneath her neck, pulling her into his chest. "Look," he starts, voice steady, "I just care about making you as comfortable as possible. I don't want to rush you into anything," he assures her. He tilts his forehead down to meet hers. "But it has nothing to do with whether I want to sleep with you."

Meeting his eyes, Freya chews a moment on her lip and then whispers. "So you do want to have sex with me?"

In one swift motion, Cole moves Freya onto her back and leans down to rest on his forearms, which now frame Freya's face. "Just looking at you," he breathes, "drives me insane." He skims his palm down her ribs, landing on her hip. "You look like this? And you think I don't want to have sex with you? That would be fucking bonkers."

It makes Freya giggle and turn into Cole's touch. The sound of her laughter makes him feel drunk. Apparently oblivious to his intoxication, Freya sighs, "Okay, I believe you." She shrugs, sliding her hands behind his neck.

Cole lays back down beside her, and she rolls her head over to look at him. "How about," he starts, splaying his fingers out across her stomach, which is covered by his t-shirt she's wearing, "after my game tomorrow, I take you out." He kisses Freya softly, desperate for her, and she lets out a little hum of happiness. "And then," Cole goes on, "we can come back here, and I can prove how much I definitely want to have sex with you."

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