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All-American Gentlemen

id fucking kill to know how cole's
date is going rn

i thought he said it wasn't a date?

it's not like a one on one date but
i would still consider it a date

how is it a date if it's not one on one?
like a double-date?

no, josh stop trying


he said she made it very clear that she
didn't want anything considered a date.

yeah but they're definitely fucking right?

z just askin what we're all thinkin

cole awfully silent rn 🤨

he's literally with her right now i bet he
just doesn't wanna be rude and check his

why would it be rude to check your phone
if it's not a date 🧐


Cole's reading is interrupted by Freya's giggle. As quickly as he can, Cole slams the phone back down to his side.

"Sorry, sorry," Freya hurries, still grinning. "I didn't mean to be reading your texts."

Cole, red with embarrassment, waves her away casually. "Sorry about them," he remarks with a shake of the head.

"I think it's sweet that they're so invested for you," she adds, turning her hand over on his leg to lace her fingers through his.

Fortunately, the others seem to be in a world of their own: Tate is apparently trying to teach Kaiden and Kirby some dance moves from the club, while Nick rolls his eyes and buries his face in his palms. Jess, Riley, and Mikey are cheering them on until Jess calls out, "Mon Frey! I need a picture to post—will you take one with me?"

"Oh, gosh," Freya mumbles, cheeks suddenly flushed with color.

"Come on," Jess goads, already on her feet. "Levez-vous, levez-vous! Everyone except Frey, up please!" She shoos Cole and Nick from the couch, though Cole, desperate to keep his hands on Freya, lets his grip linger on her hand as he rises to his feet at Jess's demand.

Jess passes her phone to Riley, who motions for Cole and Nick to move with Mikey so that they aren't in the shot. Cole watches as Jess stretches out her arms, intertwining her fingers with Freya's as the two pose. Riley tries several different angles before concluding, "I don't understand how any two people can look so fucking perfect."

Cole can't help but agree—at least about Freya looking perfect. She could put on anything, do anything, and Cole is certain she would still be the most beautiful person he'd ever seen in his life. 

"This is a lost cause!" Tate decides, gesturing at Kaiden and Kirby. "Y'all will never succeed as dancers, I'm sorry. Maybe stick to hockey."

Coming Up for Air (cole caufield x oc)Where stories live. Discover now