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Not long after Cole lays down beside her, Freya falls asleep, her face buried in the fabric of Cole's shirt.  

Cole, though, doesn't sleep—in part because he wants to be there should Freya wake up, and also because he feels obligated to make sure she's safe. He doesn't know who the fuck this Dalton guy is or what he's capable of. Does he know where Freya lives? Would he be able to get past Mac? How would Cole protect Freya if Dalton had a gun or something? Guns are easy to get in Florida, aren't they?

His head still spinning, Cole draws in a deep breath. He knows worrying about it won't fix anything.

He lifts his eyes when he hears the door creak open. Over Freya's head, which is tucked under Cole's chin, he sees that it's Mac.

"She asleep?" Mac mouths, indicating his sister. Cole, unsure if he's doing something inappropriate by laying in Freya's bed, tries to slip away from her, but Mac waves his hands to stop him. "Don't get up," he whispers, stepping inside to lean against the bureau beside the door. "I'll go. I just wanted to check in."

Cole manages a little nod, an indication that she's at least okay enough, and Mac sighs.

"Let me guess," Mac murmurs, "you're only her friend, because she won't date an athlete."

It surprises Cole, who can't help but shift awkwardly beside Freya. Unable to gather any other response, he nods again.

"I figured," remarks Mac. "Our mom never wanted her dating an athlete. Our dad was a baseball player, and he treated Mom like shit." Mac shrugs. "Beyond the crazy schedule, never calling when he was on the road—he was also just constantly reminding her he could get any woman he wanted, and Mom was just lucky he was willing to put up with her."

Finally, Cole finds some words. "I'm sorry," he replies, as quietly as he can. Freya doesn't stir.

Mac shrugs again before going on, "Of course, right when Frey got to college, she fell head over heels for the star of the basketball team—one of the top draft prospects." Mac clicks his tongue, and Cole sees that the memory pains him. "Didn't know any guy out there could be worse than my dad," he mutters, "especially not to someone like my sister." Shaking it off, Mac concludes, "It's why she's got her whole no-athlete thing. She's worried she'll make the same mistake again."

"I don't blame her," Cole mumbles, moving his thumb against the back of Freya's head. There, he feels a little patch of missing hair, and it makes him wince. "She told you what happened with them yesterday?" Cole prompts.

"Tate texted me this morning," Mac replies. "She said you're the reason Freya got out of there at all." The corners of his lips turn up in a soft smile.

"You knew who I was when I came to the door, didn't you?" Cole presses, and Mac's smile grows a little bigger.

He offers another shrug before reaching for the door. "Maybe," he remarks, and then heads out into the hall, closing the door gently behind him.



Conversation with Nicky Suz

hey, haven't heard from you in a
couple hours. wanted to check in

sorry i was with frey. she took
a nap and is now just getting
changed. we're gonna go get
some fresh air, she thinks it'll help.
she wants to get back home so i found
a flight that leaves in a few hours.

Coming Up for Air (cole caufield x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon