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jessgalla's story:

jessgalla's story:

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Conversation with Cole Caufield

frey i promise what i said yesterday
was true. i know we aren't in a
relationship or anything, but i
wouldn't lie to you.


i hate lying, you can ask my mom.
i always used to get in more trouble
than my brother because i couldn't
lie my way out of stuff.


im so sorry this happened.


Tate collapses on the couch beside Freya with a sigh. Freya glances over at her: she's freshly showered, having just finished an all-night shift at the club, but her eyes are red with grief. Freya imagines she look looks even worse than Tate, though she hasn't looked in a mirror.

Tate had taken the falling out with the guys nearly as hard as Freya. Despite only knowing him a couple weeks, she and Nick had developed a genuine friendship. Tate told Freya he reminded her of her big brother, who passed away not long after Freya's dad.

But now the guys are gone, and what's left in their wake is more painful than Freya had anticipated.

"Fuck all athletes," Tate declares, leaning her head on Freya's shoulder. "I've decided hockey players are my least favorite."

Freya nods absently, though she hardly hears Tate talking at all. Her eyes are glued to the empty space in front of them, nowhere and everywhere at once.

Mostly to herself but also to Tate, Freya offers, "It'll be good to go home soon."

"Yeah," Tate agrees, releasing another heavy sigh. "Riles and Jess seem to be doing okay." Tate shrugs. "As okay as they can be, I guess."

Jess had certainly fallen for Kirby, Freya knew, and Riley had been dating Mikey for months. There is certainly no shortage of hurt for them either.

But Jacksonville will be good, Freya tries to remind herself. She can't wait to see Mac and her mom, and she knows the Florida sun will restore some of the life to her bones. At least she hopes so. Otherwise, she'll just keep thinking about Cole—about the way he made her feel and how he looked at her like she was perfect. Just the memory makes Freya ache, her stomach turning.

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