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freya.elise.x on instagram: favorite way to wake up is next to these cuties :)

Liked by colecaufield and 1,199 others.


kathleenxxyuh: after last night thought you'd be waking up next to a different kind of cutie 😏

  ↪mac.pfieff11: didn't kno u could give someone an oral exam with your tongue 🫣

   ↪↪freya.elise.x: i fucking hate u both

     ↪↪↪random: knew she was a slut. 

tate_oconnor: i miss them

jackhughes: those are seriously the most beautiful dogs i've ever seen

lyss.sturgeon_: those cuties :)

riley_davis: obsessed with them and you

jessgalla: get ur pretty ass down to tampa and bring the animals too please 🥺

   ↪freya.elise.x: will b there soon bb don't worry!

random: doesn't want to show her ugly face on insta so posts her animals instead

random: you were literally living my dream WAG life and you threw it away

colecaufield: they're so cute . i bet they missed you :)

  ↪random: babe wake up, cole commented on the girl's post

   ↪↪random: cole i can give you what she can't 😩

    ↪↪↪random: rail me pls

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Cole can't stop looking at the comments underneath Freya's post. They stir so much anger, sadness, and anxiety inside of his stomach.

"Stop reading them," Nick snaps from the seat across from him. "You're just gonna get more upset."

"What does this comment mean?" Cole asks, turning his phone around to face Nick. "The one that her brother left."

Nick, clearly still against the idea, at least entertains him for a moment. When he reads it, though, his expression changes, his brows furrowed. The plane jolts a little, which sends the phone out of Nick's hand and onto the table between them.

"Like—there's only one thing it can mean, right?" Cole presses.

Nick closes the book he'd been readings and rubs his cheek. "I don't know, dude." He shakes his head, and Cole's anxiety increases. "But no amount of worrying is going to change anything that's happening down there. You know that."

Cole gnaws on his bottom lip, eyes still glued to his phone. He knows he's going to regret doing it, but he snaps a quick picture of the mountains out the window and reopens Instagram.


colecaufield's story:

colecaufield's story:

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Just moments after he posts the story, messages start filling his inbox. After five minutes, one catches his eyes.


Insta Messages

Chatting with lexicorbin77

no way! that's where i live.
coming to the game tomorrow just
to see you :)

I like the sound of that


Even typing the words made Cole nauseous. This isn't who he is, it's not what he does. Some of his friends are great at hooking up with girls on the road, and they do it so effortlessly. But it took all the goading in the world just to make Cole talk to Freya, and now he's messaging strangers on Instagram?

It's stupid, and he knows it, but he can't stop thinking about the comment Freya's brother left on her post—did she really get over him that quick? Was the way Cole felt one-sided? He didn't want to believe that it was, but why else would Freya hook up with some guy at a bar just days after they were together?

Sighing, Cole turns off his phone and leans back against the headrest to sleep.



Freya is certain she's never been more hungover in her life. Poor Mac ended up having to take care of her half the night, including when some guy started flirting with her and started getting a little too handsy for Mac's liking. Freya only vaguely remembers it: the guy mentioned he was a dental student, but Freya isn't sure if it was true or he was using it to set up his "I can give you an oral exam with my tongue" line.

Either way, Mac shut is down pretty quickly, eventually hauling Freya back home and into her bed. From there, he'd promptly gone over to Alyssa's, according to the text Freya wakes up to.

When she sees the comment from Cole on her post, she draws her knees up into her chest. Thinking about him hurts. Thinking about the nights they spent together. The way he smiled at her. All of it. Hurt.

As difficult as it is to admit, she knows what she feels for him is real. Or felt for him at least. It's even harder to admit the feelings might still exist.

Wags rolls over at Freya's feet, sighing a happy dog sigh even as Luna hisses at him for landing on her tail. The cat springs to her feet, climbing up over Freya to lay across her neck. "Are you trying to kill me, Loony?" she asks, giggling.

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