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∆ Tate ∆

When Tate woke the next morning beside Freya, a moment of panic slipped through her. She forgot briefly where she was-what had transpired the night before. But then her hand, which rested on her chest, gripped at the softness of Josh's cotton t-shirt, and she sunk into her surroundings.

Riley was in the bed opposite her, sitting up against the headboard, still in last night's clothes. She glanced over when she heard Tate shift and asked, "Were you wearing that shirt last night?"

Tate had no time to think of a better response so she just murmured, "Oh-uh, no." She propped herself up on her elbows and added, "I asked the guy at the front desk if he knew where I could get a change of clothes, and he said they had some in the back for staff."

It seemed to satisfy Riley, who released a sigh of defeat. "Do we go back to Montreal now?" she wondered aloud.

Tate glanced over at Freya-the heaviest sleeper she knew-to find she hadn't stirred. "Maybe," Tate sighed. "I guess we'll let Frey decide."

Riley hummed in agreement and returned to scrolling on her phone, which gave Tate a chance to reach for her own. She couldn't stop thinking about Josh-and she didn't know why. In her confusion and anxiety, she had completely neglected to ask for his phone number.

Maybe it was for the best, Tate reminded herself. After all, she wasn't supposed to get crushes. She wasn't supposed to care about what men thought about her or whether they wanted to see her again.

But then there was a knock at the door, and Tate found herself springing out of bed, giddy at the thought that maybe-just maybe-it was Josh. Sure enough, it was him standing on the other side of the door, dressed in a suit, the top few buttons of his dress shirt undone. In his hands, he held a neatly stacked pile of clothes-Tate's clothes-from the night before.

"Who is it?" Riley hollered from the bed, which was just out of sight of the door.

Tate was already pushing Josh further into the hallway and shutting the door behind her when she called back, "Uh-just Brady."

Josh furrowed his brows at her. "I'm Josh," he corrected.

Tate rolled her eyes. "I know," she sighed. "Come on." She tugged him a little ways down the hallway, to a little alcove near the elevators. "I just didn't need her asking questions."

Josh, still confused, pressed, "Then how does it make it better to say I'm Brady?"

He had a point, Tate decided, but she had no time for him to make it. "Let me go back quick and change out of your clothes so I can give them back to you."

She started to reach for her own, but Josh stepped back a little, stopping her. "No, I don't care about that," he assured her.

At this, Tate straightened, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh," she breathed. "What is it then?"

She saw Josh swallow hard and shift his weight awkwardly. "I-"he started, but then stopped himself. Gathering his composure, he managed, "I wanted to know if you wanted to come to our game later." His eyes widened, apparently at himself. "I mean, any of you." He shook his head, hurrying, "But mostly you."

Tate's mouth fell open a little. For once in her life, a man had left her speechless.

Say something, you dumbass, he scolded herself, but nothing came.

She could tell it made Josh question himself. He held her clothes out to her and stammered, "I'm sorry-that was a stupid thing to ask. I know y'all probably want to get back to Montreal and-"

"Y'all?" Tate interrupted. She looked up at him, eyes soft, and Josh shrugged.

"Trying it on for size," he reasoned. "How did I do?"

Warmth crept into Tate's cheeks, and she looked away in the hopes Josh might not notice. "We can work on it," she concluded with a grin. After a moment, she began, "I have to make sure I can help Freya get home if that's what she wants. But I'd love to come if I can."

Josh let out the tiniest sigh of relief, which only made him all the more endearing. He removed his phone from his inner suit pocket and prompted, "It can be a game-time decision-literally. I'll just send you the ticket and if you want to use it, you can, but you don't have to."

"Are you asking for my number?" Tate teased.

"No," Josh snapped in a hurry, but he quickly corrected- "Yeah, I am."

Giggling, Tate took the phone from his hand and made a contact for herself before passing it back to him. "What time is the game?" she asked.

"Seven," Josh replied with a smile. It was the happiest Tate had seen him since they'd met the night before. It made her heart skip a beat. "And if you need anything before that-or if there's anything I can do-just let me know."

"Okay," Tate whispered, smiling still. She didn't try to hide the rush of pink she felt in her cheeks when Josh leaned down a little to kiss her gently on the forehead. It was so quick, but so tender, that Tate didn't have time to remember to thank him before Josh had started off down the hall.



Brady was waiting for Josh in the lobby, his eyes glued to his phone. When he noticed Josh approaching, though, his eyes lit up. "What's the verdict?" Brady exclaimed, jumping up from his seat on the sofa.

Josh rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help grinning. "She said she's gonna try to come."

"That's what I'm talkin' about Norris," Brady lauded. "Now you gotta make sure you give her a good show."

That was an understatement-Josh couldn't stop worrying that he was going to have the worst game of his career with Tate potentially in attendance. He tried not to think too much of it as they headed to the bus waiting for them just outside the lobby.

Josh was the first to take a seat, at which point Brady grabbed the one just across the aisle. "So," Brady prompted, leaning to talk quietly with Josh, "you got her number, right?"

Josh nodded. "But I don't know how to start the conversation," he admitted.

"Send her the ticket," Brady pressed, "and just say, 'Here you go,' or something."

Rolling his eyes, Josh removed his phone from his pocket, where Tate's contact page was still open.


Conversation with T O'Connor

hey, here's the ticket for tonight.
hope you can make it!

thank you so much :)
it sounds like so much fun

hopefully tampa doesn't
embarrass us too badly

well i hope i can be your good luck
charm :)

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