The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 5

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Charlotte pulled her hands from Aro's, mortified at her words of surprise. After all, she was not really shocked to hear there was a hidden secret among the Volturi family, but vampires? "I'm so sorry, Aro. I didn't mean to..." What could she say to the man...ok, not an ordinary man...who had played host to her for so long, and had only ever been kind and generous to her. He had to know she had questions, lots of questions. She still cared about him, as she did Marcus, who was now more like the uncle she never had, rather than her savior.

Caius spoke up, concerned for the safety of the coven. "Do you see how you waste your time, brother? Kill her now, before it's too late. We must protect the coven."

Turning her attention to Caius, she shook her head and mouthed the word 'no'. Charlotte was in terror now. What if they took back the offer and just rid themselves of her once and for all. She stood and bowed her head at Aro. Looking up at him, she asked if she could speak her piece, and hoped she made her feelings clear to all three men. Ordinarily, she wasn't one who cared to appear obeisant to anyone, but this was not an ordinary situation.

Aro's disappointed expression tore at Charlotte's heart. That she should unintentionally wound him was the last thing she would have wanted. Nodding at her request, his expression was now one of detachment. Aro crossed his legs and held onto the chair arm tightly with one hand while crooking his free hand at her to come forward. This was something important to both Aro and Marcus, something she thought might not be offered to everyone, or the compound would be teeming with vampires. They may have been selective of those allowed into their family.

She decided honesty was the best way to meet this blunder, even if it meant her death. "I have to admit, I'm not surprised. I knew there was something you were all keeping from me. Perhaps had I been told more, prior to this meeting, it would have been easier for all of us," she pronounced, glaring at Caius. She looked around the room, and was glad none of the other Volturi family were present.

Charlotte approached Marcus first. "You saved my life, Marcus, so I owe you a life debt. I want you to know, because of your kindness to me, I would never ever do anything to see you hurt. I would probably die protecting you, if it came to that."

Asking the young woman to approach him, Marcus took her hand, saying, "Now that you know the truth, child, I can tell you that the night of your accident, I gave you a small bit of my blood. It held just enough venom to heal you, but not change you. The blood inside you is the blood inside me." He gave Charlotte a smile of pure affection. "If you decide to join us, you would still have to go through the transition from human to vampire. But we didn't take the choice away from you. It's still your decision."

Charlotte stepped up to the gentle man who had affirmed his connection with her, and gave him a tight hug, then kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Marcus. " Returning to stand at her chair, she faced the man to Aro's left and addressed him.

"Of the three of you, I know you least, Caius. That is regrettable." Charlotte was tired of Caius' attitude toward her, and he was still one of her judges, but she was a bit angry herself. "Sir, you've got this blood lust thing down pat, haven't you. Kill her, kill her. Protect the coven. I get it. Suggestion? Get a new script." When she saw the indignant look on his face, Charlotte smiled with satisfaction...and continued. "Don't you understand? I'm not a threat to you. Marcus knows that. I think Aro knows that. Why can't you believe me?"

Not having a response to the human's remarks, Caius remained quiet, his left hand opening and closing.

Facing the taciturn vampire, she asked, "Do you play chess?"

"What?" he asked harshly, confused by the shift in the conversation.

"If you do, I'd like to play you sometime. I might even let you win," she teased.

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