The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 15

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Two weeks later, Aro received a letter from his connection in the Volterra police department. The Americans wanted written proof as to Charlotte Wilson's demise in a car accident while vacationing in Tuscany. Everything, including investigative documentation, Charlotte's badly damaged ID and passport, photos of the accident scene, the car, and the body, along with a death certificate, was promptly provided to the family's attorney and the L.A. police, and nothing had been heard since from either the Los Angeles police or the Wilson family. Letting Charlotte know that it seemed the deception had been successful, Aro was surprised that she wanted to wait until she was sure no one was going to fly across the Atlantic to gather more information.

"No one could possibly know you are here, my dear," Aro reassured her.

"I just don't want to be in the village shopping, and see my Mom there, with a couple of her Army buddies." Charlotte paced the floor, wrapping her arms around herself.

Aro picked up Charlotte's i-pad from his desk and handed it to her. "I think this will convince you, cara, that you have nothing to worry about."

Charlotte looked at the page Aro had been reading. She enlarged the article, which was not an article. She was looking at her own obituary. She read it in silence, barely feeling Aro's hands resting on her shoulders.

'Beloved daughter...' ' She will always be remembered in our hearts.'

So it was over. Her family and friends thought she was dead, and were saying their goodbyes to her. Had she only known what was going to happen, she'd have spent more time saying goodbye to them before she'd left the country. Now, her human life was truly behind her. No ties to the past remained. Charlotte Wilson was dead. Charlotte Volturi lived.

She dropped the i-pad on the desk and turned into Aro, his arms offering what comfort he could. He stroked her hair, murmuring words in her ear. Although she could not cry, she keened in sorrow for her own loss.


Aro had decided it was time to interview Sarah. The odds of her having any gifts were low, but that was not why he had allowed her to stay at Volturi headquarters. Taking Charlotte with him to help distract her, he went to his mate's old bedroom to find Malia playing a game with the girl. With one gesture from her master, the guard nodded and left, giving Charlotte a quick smile as she passed her friend.

"Come here, child. I wish to speak with you. Don't be afraid." Aro sat on the settee and waited for Sarah to sit beside him. Sarah looked up at Charlotte, who smiled and nodded. She went to stand at the balcony door while Aro talked with the newborn vampire.

"My dear, would you be willing to give me your hand?" He held his out, palm up, waiting. Sarah looked down the extended hand, and placed hers atop Aro's. Gently grasping all three hands as one, he began to read her thoughts and memories. His mind now linked with hers, he moved back in time. Aro saw her life as a very young child, living with her parents, until the father died. Her mother remarried a man who beat her and threatened Sarah with the same if she didn't behave. A handsome young man met her on the way from school, and offered her a way to escape. Her sire. With sweet lies, he convinced her to come with him. He changed her and left her to her own devices. When a guard member found her in the city one night, he'd brought her to the Volturi.

Letting go of the young girl's hand, Aro looked up at Charlotte and shook his head. She had no gifts that he could detect. Charlotte came over to the settee to sit by Sarah. She placed her hands protectively on Sarah's shoulders.

"Do I have to leave?" Sarah asked, looking up at Charlotte, then Aro. Charlotte silently questioned Aro with her eyes. He smiled at Sarah, then nodded at his mate.

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