2 - The Morning After

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I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. I looked and saw I still had Dodger in bed with me and I was cuddling him. I wasn't sure what that meant with where Chris was but I still had his dog. As I left the bedroom I didn't see Chris anywhere and knew I would have to figure out the Dodger situation eventually.

Whoever was still at the door kept knocking and I groaned but walked to the door and opened it. I saw my mother Athena standing there. My eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Oh no, come on don't cry over that man." Athena said and I pulled me into a hug. After we hugged we walked into the room and Dodger came running into the living room. Once we sat down he got up on the couch beside me and placed his head in my lap.

"Who's dog?" Athena asked and I sighed.

"It's a long story..." I started to say as the hotel room door was unlocked and opened. I saw Chris come walking in.

"Ginny? You awake?" Chris asked having his back to the room and then turned around seeing me sitting with someone on the couch. "Oh...uh hi." Chris said. Athena looked between Chris and I.

"Chris, this is my mom Athena. Mom, this is Chris." I said introducing them. Chris set the box of donuts down with the coffee he had.

"Not just a normal guy Chris, this is Chris Evans! And his dog Dodger!" Athena said shaking his hand and I groaned.

"Mom, please be calm." I said and she sighed.

"What is going on?" Athena asked.

"Last night I was walking Dodger in the park, he ran to Ginny and wanted to comfort her since she was crying and upset." Chris explained and Athena looked at me.

"And you're here because...?" Athena asked.

"Dodger didn't want to leave Ginny and I didn't want to leave my dog." Chris said and I sighed.

"Don't over think this mom. Chris came to my aid when I needed someone." I said and she gave him a small smile.

"Well does he know what happened?" Athena asked and I nodded.

"I spilled it all." I said and then looked down at my lap. "Did Jason and Cora ride off into the sunset together?" I asked.

"Ginny..." Athena said.

"I need to know mom." I said and she sighed.

"After you left the church, they decided they want to get married, so they did and then they left this morning and are going on the honeymoon trip to the Bahamas." Athena and I scoffed.

"Wow, so I'm the only heartbroken left one here." I said.

"Hey...look at me." Chris said sitting on the coffee table in front of me and he took my hands in his. "If that man can move on and get married to her that fast, he wasn't deserving of you any ways. He is just an ass." Chris said and I gave him a small smile.

"I just don't know what to do. I mean we bought that house together. I don't have my own place." I said.

"Your dad and I already talked about that. We have that small guest house. It's yours until you find a place." Athena said and I smiled.

"Thanks mom. Can dad help me move everything to your garage? I need to move everything in the next few days." I said.

"Of course he can." Athena said and I smiled.

"I would love to help too. Get you packed and moved." Chris said and I shook my head.

"You don't have to feel obligated just because you found me in the park." I said and we all laughed.

"I don't, I want to help." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well give me your phone. I can give you my info and let you know the plan but please don't feel obligated." I said and Chris shook his head handing me his phone.

"I don't." Chris said and I smiled putting my info in his phone and then texting myself so I had his info. After my phone went off with a text from Chris's phone it went off again. I grabbed it and sighed opening up the message.

CORA: Please don't hate me.

I really thought about ignoring the message but sighed.

"Don't upset yourself." Athena said and I shook my head.

"Oh I'm not." I said.

GINNY: Don't hate you? You were sleeping with Jason. You were with Jason when we were engaged! You helped me plan my wedding, you listened to me making plans for the future with him and having kids with him all the while sleeping and being with him! I hope you two enjoy life together. You deserve each other. When he does to you what you two did to me I hope you finally see how I feel. At least it won't be on your wedding day since you stole that from me too. Hey maybe when you have the birth of your first child though. Make sure you tell your future children how you and their daddy met and got married. Have a good life with Jason...whatever that might fucking be.

I made sure the message went through and then blocked her number and Jasons. Athena saw what I sent her and wrapped her arm around me.

"Feel better?" Athena asked and I shrugged.

"It's going to take some time." I said and she nodded. She then looked between Chris and I.

"Well I wanted to check on you, I think you are in good hands with Chris and Dodger. You hiding here for a few days?" Athena asked and I nodded.

"Well just let me know when you want to move and I'll talk to your dad." Athena said and kissed my cheek and then shook Chris's hand.

"Nice meeting you." Chris said and Athena nodded.

"Same to you. Don't let her mope all day." Athena said and I smiled as Chris walked her to the door.

"I'll see what I can do." Chris said and I just shook my head. Athena left and Chris walked back in and handed me the coffee he got me and then handed me a donut.

"Thanks for this and for letting me cuddle this guy." I said and motioned to Dodger who was still beside me." I said and Chris smiled.

"No problem. I couldn't get him to leave." Chris said and I smiled.

"Maybe I should get a dog...Jason never wanted one." I said and Chris said and smiled.

"Well then I think I know where we are going today." Chris said. "Eat up, then get ready. I will be back to pick you up in an hour." Chris said grabbing his coffee and donut. Then putting Dodger on his leash.

"Chris..." I said and he shook his head.

"Be ready!" Chris said as him and Dodger left the room.

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