18 - Too Good To Be True

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I was sitting at the computer waiting for Chris to facetime me. We had scheduled this time to talk and I sighed looking down now at my baby bump now not easy to hide anymore. 5 months pregnant and everything seemed to change overnight. My breasts swelled, my fingers, ankles and face were plump and clearly different. Lisa had gone maternity shopping for me recently and I was grateful I didn't have to go out except for doctors appointments. It was getting hard to hide it from everyone.

I hadn't told any of his siblings, I was able to hide it until now. I didn't think they should all know before Chris. I mean his mother and my parents knowing before Chris was already enough. I sat wringing my hands unaware of how this conversation was going to go after the conversation we had about kids before he left.

Dodger and Rita were sitting at my feet and I smiled as both sensing my uneasiness placing their chins on my leg and I smiled petting both of them.

"Not sure how this is going to go, so happy you two are here." I said. The computer started going off, I took a deep breath and answered the video call. He smiled seeing me, I also saw his face instantly relax.

"Hey you. God it's so good to see you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Hey, everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a lot of filming and trying to get everything done. Also missing you something horrible. I just want to hold you in my arms." Chris said and I smiled with a small blush.

"I just want to hold you too. I miss you. At least I have 2 dogs to cuddle but they are just as much of a bed hog are you are." I said and we both laughed.

"That's mean." Chris said and I smiled.

"But you love me." I said and he nodded.

"That I do." Chris said. I looked at the background of where he was calling from.

"You in the rental house or the trailer?" I asked. I couldn't tell this time like I usually could.

"The trailer. I only have like a 20-minute break but I knew I had to call you. We set up this time and I was going to be damned if I missed it." Chris said and I smiled at him and looked down at my hands I was still wringing. "Hey, what's wrong?" Chris asked sensing it.

"What? Nothing..." I said and he shook his head.

"No, something is wrong. Did something happen? Someone say something to you?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, nothing like that. I actually have to show you something and I just don't know how to do it." I said and Chris sighed.

"Ginny, you know how I take news, just rip off the band aid." Chris said. I looked down at the dogs for some comfort and sighed.

"Okay..." I said and stood up, turning sideway, lifting my shirt and showing Chris the baby bump. "I'm 5 months pregnant. I was 3 when you left but I didn't get confirmation until after you left. This was from Halloween. I know I should have told you sooner but I was scared because of what was said before you left. Chris, we are having a baby."

I didn't get a response from him at all. He closed his laptop ending the call. I started crying placing my head in my hands. I knew I was springing this on him but I thought we could have a rational conversation about it.

I tried calling his cellphone but he ignored my phone call which made me cry harder.

"Come on guys, we need to take you to grandmas." I said as Rita and Dodger followed me to the door. I hooked them up to their leashes and took them to the car.

The drive to Lisa's was tear filled and the car was silent except for my sobs and the dogs whimpering knowing there was an issue. Once we got to Lisa's I saw all the cars and knew all his siblings were over and it was time to tell everyone since they would soon know.

I took the dogs from the car and headed into Lisa's house since she told me to just walk in when I came over. I let the dogs off the leash and they went in to see everyone. Everyone started fawning over the dogs and then saw me walk into the living room. Lisa saw I had been crying.

"I told him." I said and she sighed hanging her head.

"He didn't take it well..." Lisa said and I shook my head.

"He hung up on me and is ignoring my calls." I said and she sighed, coming over to hug me. I cried as Lisa held me.

"Okay, what the hell?" Carly asked and I sighed as Lisa and I broke apart. Carly, Scott and Shanna were all looking at my stomach.

"Surprise." I said and they all just looked at me in shock.

"Since when?!" Scott asked and I sighed.

"I'm 5 months pregnant and I was 3 when your brother left I just didn't know it." I said.

"So you told him?" Shanna asked as Lisa guided me to sit on the couch.

"I did, he called for his scheduled talk like we have and I stood up showing him. I explained it all to him. He didn't say anything and just hung up." I said and everyone groaned.

"I know he doesn't do a lot of surprises well but I mean this is insane." Scott said and pulled his phone out trying to call Chris and he ignored his call as well.

"He wont ignore me." Lisa said and tried calling him and he ignored her.

"I'm gonna kill him." Carly said. She came and sat next to me and I just put my head in my hands and started crying harder. Lisa and Carly both put a hand on my back.

"Come on this isn't good for the baby. You need to calm down." Lisa said.

"I'm sorry I came here. I didn't want to be at the house." I said and Lisa shook her head.

"No it's okay. We were all actually meeting up here before going to dinner and were going to stop by and get you. So you want to go with us?" Lisa asked and I shook my head.

"Actually can I just stay here for a little bit?" I asked and Lisa nodded. She kissed the side of my head and stood up.

"I'll call you and check on you soon." Scott said and I nodded as he kissed me as well. Everyone left and I just broke down sobbing. I laid on the couch and just cried until I eventually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and the house was still empty except for me and the dogs. I looked at my cellphone and I had a few missed calls from Scott and Lisa but nothing from Chris. I sighed and left my phone on the coffee table as I stood up and headed to the door. The dogs followed me.

"No, you two stay here." I said and they whimpered. I walked out the door and headed down the street. I wasn't sure how long I walked or where I even was until I ended up back at a very common place, the fountain...the same fountain I was crying at months ago when my life took a tragic turn, now I was back. I sat on the edge where I had been before. I wrapped my arms around myself. It was March so there was still a chill in the air and here I was in just a sweater, jeans and tennis shoes.

I rubbed my stomach and sighed.

"Well baby, it's just me and you. We can do this. I know we can. Your dad was just too good to be true." I whispered and started crying again putting my head in my hands.

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