13 - Snow

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Thanksgiving was over, my parents' friendship with Jason's parents was way over and life was amazing. Chris and I were perfect and everything was going great. Last night we were supposed to spend the night apart but Chris and Dodger showed up at my place at 2am saying neither could sleep and missed us. I just rolled my eyes when he crawled into bed with me and told me this but then I slept so much better with him holding me than I realized.

I woke up with a chill the next morning and I wasn't sure why. I focused my eyes and there was a white blanket of fresh snow on the ground. I smiled super excited, I loved the first snowfall of the season since I was a kid. I never met anyone who loved it like I did. I felt Chris pull me closer to him and I knew he was semi awake. I quickly rolled over and on top of him and he grunted giving a small laugh.

"Good morning." Chris said.

"It snowed!" I said and Chris looked out the window and he smiled.

"It did..." Chris said and I leaned down and passionately kissed him. He moaned placing his hands on my hips. "The snow turn you on or something?" Chris asked when we broke apart and I laughed swirling my hips on him and he groaned.

"No, but something else is." I said and reached between us and started slowly stroking him. He threw his head back. I lifted up enough to pull him from his boxers and I moved the panties I was sleeping in off to the side and slowly slid down on him. I cried out as I did and Chris grabbed my hips and started moving me how he liked and at the pace he wanted. I placed my hands on his chest for leverage. I leaned down and kissed him again as I started moving a little faster on him feeling my coil inside starting to tighten.

"Chris..." I cried out as I clenched him tighter than ever and he growled out at the feeling swelling inside of me as we both released. I laid down on Chris and he smiled.

"I like when it snows." Chris said and we both laughed as I rolled off of him.

"Let's take the dogs out for a walk...please..." I begged and he smiled at me and kissed the tip of my nose.

"You got it. Let's shower and go." Chris said and I smiled. We rushed to take a shower together and then headed out with the dogs. Dodger and Rita were having a field day in the snow and Chris was holding my hand as we walked but put it in his coat pocket while holding it so it stayed warm.

"This is nice." I said and Chris nodded. He removed our hands from his pocket but pulled me right against his front as we stopped walking and then wrapped his free arm around my waist and I smiled at him as I hooked the fingers on my free hand in his belt loops.

"Yes?" I asked and he laughed and then leaned down and passionately kissed me. I moaned in the kiss and when we broke apart he just held me to him.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said and he smiled. He gave me another small kiss and then we released our hold on each other and kept walking. He wrapped his arm back around me and holding me close to him as we walked.

Once we finished walking the dogs we got them set up at my place and then decided to do some Christmas shopping.

"So are you putting a tree up at your place or just dealing with your parents tree?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"I hadn't really thought about it. I mean I have the room but Rita...I don't know how she will be and if I have to leave her home alone at any time..." I said and Chris sighed.

"Dodger is scared of mine and won't go near it." Chris said as we laughed. We just walked around doing some shopping for his family and mine. Holding hands and being a normal couple the entire time. Once we got back to my house my parents were in my house setting up a tree.

"Can I help you?" I asked and they laughed.

"We got you a tree. You need a tree. Chris text and said you weren't sure if you were getting one because of Rita but you need a tree." Marshall said. Rita walked over and sniffed at it. Then she walked away from it.

"I have no decorations...so now I just have a tree in my living room."

"We have plenty in the house. You can bring some back." Athena said and I just nodded.

"Sounds good." I said. I saw Marshall nod at Athena.

"What?" I asked. Athena grabbed a box from the mantel.

"Your first Christmas gift for both of you." Athena said and looked at Chris. I smiled at him.

"You know about this?" I asked him and he shook his head. I opened the box and instantly got a huge smile on my face. I pulled out 4 stockings one with my name, Chris's name, Dodgers name and Rita's name. They were all matching in some way.

"Your first stockings together as a couple and dog parents. Chris we also have one for you in the house." Marshall said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you." I said and hugged my parents. I saw the hangers already on the mantel. I handed Chris his and he smiled as we hung them up together.

We all then went and looked through the ornaments and I took everything I wanted to decorate my place with. We turned on some Christmas music and were just decorating all around my place.

"So since I'm helping you now, you have to help me with mine." Chris said and I laughed but nodded.

"Tell me when and I will be there." I said and Chris smiled leaning in and kissing me. As he kissed me we heard his phone go off in his pocket. He pulled up the text and then looked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked and Chris sighed and showed me the text message.

SCOTT: These are all over Instagram and the internet. Thought you would want to know.

I looked and saw pictures of us walking the dogs and him kissing me as we did. Pictures of us shopping together and I just sighed.

"We should have known we couldn't hide forever." I said and Chris just looked at me a little shocked.

"You're okay with this?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, I feel like my privacy had been invaded but I'm with you, you are seen, people take pictures especially if you are kissing someone." I said and Chris sighed.

"So you want me to release a statement? I can have my manager do it for me." Chris said and I shrugged.

"Whatever you want to do. You are the famous one here. You do whatever is necessary." I said. Chris tossed his phone on the couch and then wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested mine on his chest.

"You are amazing you know that?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"I don't think so but whatever you say." Chris said. He released one hand from around me and grabbed a decoration from the box beside him. He held it above our heads.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Mistletoe." Chris said and I shook my head.

"That's actually Holly." I said and he laughed.

"I'm being symbolic, working with what I got." Chris said and I laughed.

"Just kiss me handsome." I said. He smiled and leaned down and passionately kissed me.

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