16 - Happy New Year

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It was New Year's Eve and we were already at Lisa and were mingling. Chris came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I was talking to Shanna and Carly.

"Can I talk to you?" Chris asked and I sighed with a nod.

"Excuse us." I said and Chris took my hand as we walked into the foyer and he was handing me my coat.

"What are you doing?" I asked pushing it away.

"I want to go, I need you. You promised tangled up in each other." Chris said and I laughed.

"After midnight, when we get home." I said and Chris groaned.

"Can't we leave early? I mean your parents are getting along with my Ma and family. I don't have much time left with just you before I go and I need to get as much time with you as I can." Chris said and passionately kissed me.

"Chris it's only 9. Can you make it until 11 and we go home, be home by midnight and that way we ring in the new year hopefully with me screaming out your name." I said and Chris groaned and pinned me against the wall where no one could see and I giggled.

"You best believe you will be screaming my name." Chris said and starting kissing my neck and I moaned. Once he removed his lips from my neck he smiled at me.

"10:30." Chris said and I sighed.

"Fine, tell your mother we will be leaving." I said and he nodded as we walked back into the party.

"Why I half expected you two to sneak out when you went to the foyer." Lisa said who was standing talking to my parents and we laughed.

"He wanted to." I said. Lisa smiled and shook her head.

"We are leaving at 10:30, I leave soon and want to spend time with Ginny before I go." Chris said and Lisa nodded.

"I understand that." Athena said and I smiled.

"Well before you both leave, I do have a late Christmas gift for the two of you and one for your parents. Wait here." Lisa said and walked away.

"She didn't have to get us anything." Marshall said with a smile.

"Ma loves giving gifts." Chris said as Lisa came over with 2 gift bags. I opened ours as my mom opened theirs and I smiled the minutes seeing it and showing Chris. It was a picture from Thanksgiving of Chris and I sleeping cuddled in the chair. Lisa gave my parents the same picture and my mom looked at me smiling.

"I didn't even know you took this!" I said to Lisa and she smiled.

"Yeah well you had a rough day and you both were fast asleep." Lisa said and I smiled looking at Chris as he leaned down and gave me a small kiss.

"Thank you for this. We will find a place for it in the house." I said as Chris nodded.

"Ours is going on the wall with the family pictures." Athena said.

"That's where mine is." Lisa said and pointed.

"When did you put that up?!" I asked and she laughed.

"It was up on Christmas, neither of you noticed." Lisa said and we laughed.

"Wow..." I said.

"Speaking of Christmas. We got a cute picture of them on Christmas Eve with them and the dogs. I will send it to you." Marshall said and Lisa smiled.

"I would love that." Lisa said and I smiled at how well our parents were getting along. This was going perfectly.

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It was 11, we were behind schedule and Chris let me know by pushing me out of the door. Once we got home, he pinned me against the front door and started passionately kissing me. I moaned as I reached for his belt but he stopped my hands.

"Tangled limbs Chris..." I said and he laughed.

"I know but I have a song I want have an end of the year dance with you to." Chris said and I smiled as we walked into the living room and he started playing it from his phone on the Bluetooth speakers.

"From This Moment On by Shania Twain, good choice." I said and Chris smiled. He grabbed my hand pulling me flush against him and I giggled. He placed a hand on my the small of my back as mine one hand went around his neck. He held my other hand as we started swaying to the music.

"This is the best song." I said and Chris nodded. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you so much Ginny. I think us meeting in the park was fate. I mean you not married is upsetting but not when I have met Jason now. You were meant to be mine and I love you." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"I like saying it was fate. You were meant to be with me Evans even if we didn't know it, Dodger did." I said and Chris chuckled. Chris looked over at him and Rita sleeping on the big pillow bed together.

"Our family." Chris said and I nodded. The song continued to play and we continued to dance. It finally got to a part I knew I wanted to sing to Chris.

🎵 You're the reason I believe in love
And you're the answer to my prayers from up above
All we need is just the two of us
My dreams came true because of you🎵

Chris passionately kissed me and we made out the rest of the song, once it was over he lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist, we made out all the way to the bedroom and our lips never disconnecting. Once we got to the bedroom Chris pinned me against the closed bedroom door and I took his shirt off and then my own along with my bra.

"I want you here, right now." I said and Chris smiled. He sat me down so we could quickly undress the rest of the way and he smiled lifting me back up and I smiled as I slid down on him and we both groaned.

"God, you feel so amazing." Chris said and I nodded throwing my head back moaning out. There was something different about this time together. I was moving on Chris and he moaned and I felt him get weak, He carried us over to the bed and laid me down and stayed hovering over me.

He didn't say anything and just started moving since he was still inside of me and I moaned out wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck pulling him down to kiss me. As he thrusted and kissed me I felt myself clenching around him and he smiled as I did.

"Release baby, release all over me." Chris passionately kissed me. I cried out in our kiss as we did release. Once I was released Chris sat up on his knees and pulled me into his lap. I started moving back and forth on him feeling his still hard inside of me. He was holding back his release and I loved that he was.

As I moved on him, his hand moved to my ass and he help me move as our bodies meshed together. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and gripped him close to me. I felt myself tightening around him again and he smiled at me as he then leaned down and kissed my neck. He moved his lips up my neck to my ear.

"It's almost midnight baby. You still want to scream out my name at midnight?" Chris whispered and I nodded. "That's my girl, you better hold on and I will tell you when." Chris said and I moaned knowing I had to try and stop my orgasm. After moving on him for a few more minutes I moaned.

"Chris I can't wait..." I whined and he kissed my neck, nipped my earlobe, then whispered in my ear.

"Happy New Year baby." Chris said and I smiled as I quickly cried out his name and released all over him and he released inside of me. Once we were both released Chris held me to his body, in his lap for a few minutes and I looked up at him from where my head was resting on his chest.

"Happy new year handsome." I said as passionately kissed him.

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