4 - Getting Packed

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After we went to the hotel and I packed up everything Chris drove me to the house...the house Jason and I shared...the house were going to spend the rest of our lives together in. I sighed when we pulled up outside.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I half nodded.

"Yeah just with Rita, I don't want to stay at the hotel and I need to work on getting packed and getting the hell out." I said and he nodded.

"Well while you packed up at the hotel, I went and picked up boxes for you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said as we got out of the SUV. I grabbed my suitcase and Chris grabbed all the boxes. Once we got inside I set up the dog bed and everything for Rita. She and Dodger just walked around together.

"Where do you want to start?" Chris asked and I sighed just standing in the middle of the living room.

"Bedroom. My clothes." I said and we walked to the bedroom.

"You guys really liked having pictures up of yourselves didn't you?" Chris asked as we walked through the house looking at all the couples photos.

"Jason's idea. Now thinking back in retrospect he probably had to remember who he is marrying." I said and Chris sighed. Once we reached the bedroom I went to my closet and Chris saw the walk-in style closet and sighed.

"You are going from all of this to a guest house?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"Don't have a choice Chris, I have nowhere else to go." I said and Chris sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry, I don't mean to push or pry or whatever." Chris said and I pointed him to a drawer.

"That is just tank tops, nothing too embarrassing for you to find." I said pointing to a spot in the closet, changing the subject and he just chuckled and then went to start packing up.

After a few hours of packing I sighed and looked at Chris as we now sat in the living room packing up my knick knacks.

"You want me to order in some Chinese food or something?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"Yeah, sure, you got a menu?" Chris asked and I walked into the kitchen and got the takeout menu and gave it to Chris.

"Pick what you want and I can call and order. I pay also." I said and Chris smiled.

"Fine." Chris said and I laughed.

Once we ordered food, Chris sat at the kitchen island as I got 2 beers from the fridge.

"So, when will they be back?" Chris asked and I sighed looked at the calendar.

"2 weeks." I said and Chris nodded.

"So you have time..."

I shook my head. "I want out. I want out of this life and away from him."

"I can't say I know what you are going through because I really can't but what I can say is that I commend you for not falling to pieces as much as you could have." Chris said and I groaned sitting next to him.

"I mean I think tonight when I'm lying in bed in the guest room...it will hit me. Thank god I have Rita now." I said and Chris smiled.

"You know if you can't sleep or are falling apart you have my number now you can call me." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know but I feel like you have gotten tangled into this emotional mess and don't know how to get out of it." I said and Chris just shook his head.

"Trust me Ginny, if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be." Chris said and I gave a small smile.

"So can I ask about your relationship? Maybe just one question?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Sure." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Did you really never know? The cheating, you never suspected?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I did, I think that's why I have been better about this than I actually have. I mean they used lame excuses when they were together. Working late, dinner meeting blah, blah, blah." I said and Chris chuckled. "Then they would disappear when we had parties at this house or somewhere. I mean I should have always followed but they went separate ways...god I was so naive." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Not naive or stupid even. You loved him and wanted to have a future." Chris said.

"You want to know a secret?" I asked.

"What?" Chris asked.

"I don't even know if I was in love with him anymore." I said and Chris sighed shaking his head.

"You are saying this because of how you feel." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No, the night of the rehearsal, I had doubts. I get having cold feet but this was worse. I think I was thinking about my future and I didn't see him." I said and Chris just sighed as I put my head on his shoulder. There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said lifting my head from his shoulder and going to the door.

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Once dinner was done Chris and I were sitting on the couch and I was looking around the living room.

"God, I never noticed all the damn pictures. There are a fucking lot." I said and Chris laughed. "Hey, do you want to have a bonfire tonight? I have a fire pit in the back I was never allowed to use. Jason had to use it." I said and Chris smiled.

"I'll go start the fire." Chris said and I nodded and he headed out the back.

After 20 minutes I walked back outside carrying every single picture of me and Jason in my hands from all over the house.


"No, this is symbolic and I want to do it." I said and started throwing some pictures into the fire. I watched as my life burned before my eyes and it made me feel at peace. Once I was done with the photos Chris was standing next to me and looked at me.

"Feel better?" Chris asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah a little bit." I said and Chris smiled.

A piece of ash flew through the air and landed on my face. Chris reached his hand up and brushed it away with his thumb. He rested his hand on my cheek and leaned into his touch looking in his eyes.

"Chris..." I said quietly.

"Yeah?" He asked matching the tone.

"Kiss me...please..." I said as my eyes filled with tears and he sighed leaning down and placing his forehead on mine.

"Ginny, you have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now but you just had your heart broken and I can't do that to you. Not now at least." Chris said and I sighed but closed my eyes and nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry." I said. He sighed and pulled away from my forehead and the placed his lips on my forehead and left a lingering kiss there.

"I'm gonna go." Chris said and I nodded.

"Good night Chris." I said.

"Good night Ginny." Chris said and walked back in the house, got Dodger and stopped at Rita.

"Take care of her huh?" Chris asked and Rita ran outside, Chris smiled as she did. Chris walked out the front door and got in the car. Once inside his car he rested he head against the steering wheel.

"Leave Chris, just leave...don't go back. It's not the right time." Chris said to himself and then drove away.

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