12 - Safe Haven

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I wasn't sure where I was going when I got in my car. I knew I should call Chris and see if I could go to his house. I had the gate code and could get in but I didn't want to just be waiting for him in his house when he got home, invasion of privacy in some ways.

I could go home and cuddle Rita but I knew my parents could find me there easily and maybe want to talk about my outburst. Also I had set up cameras and Chris knew how to access them so he could see that I was home.

I wanted Chris, I wanted him to hold me, I wanted him to call me baby and tell me everything would be alright but I didn't want to go to him in the state I was in. I wasn't good I was close to a panic attack, I was close to freaking out. Jason got her pregnant?! How could he do this? Not want kids with me?! What was wrong with me?! Oh god...did Chris want a family with me, a future? Was I just a project to him, someone to help fix?

I pulled into a driveway and parked behind the last car in the driveway. I didn't know where I drove until I got there. Next thing I knew I was standing at the door and knocked. How did I get here? Was I out of it already? Was I too far in my head...was I crying, smiling, nothing at all? What was I doing? What did I look like?

The door opened and it wasn't someone I wasn't expecting to opened the door. He looked at me and then was shocked.

"You're her..." He said and I didn't answer. He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me into the house. He could felt me shaking he held my hand. He wrapped his arm around my upper arm, I think to hold me up which I was grateful for.

"Chris!" I heard him yell and then next thing I saw was my handsome, the man I needed...Chris. He almost looked relieved to see me then saw the state I was in. He rushed over and wrapped me in his arms and I just wrapped mine around his midsection. He tried to pull away and I just held on tighter.

"Baby I want to take you upstairs, can you walk the steps?" Chris whispered in my ear and I just shrugged. "Okay put your arms around my neck."

I listened to what he said to do. He then lifted me bridal style. He looked at the guy who opened the door.

"Tell Ma who was here and that we will be in my room. Also bring her a plate of food, she hasn't eaten." Chris said and they guy walked away as Chris walked up the steps and went into a room. He sat me on the edge of the bed in my catatonic state as he grabbed a t-shirt and sweatpants from the dresser.

"Can we change your clothes?" Chris asked and I nodded as I turned around and he unzipped my dress. I let it pool on the floor. I put on sweatpants and Chris's oversized t-shirt. Once I was changed I looked Chris in his eyes and I felt them wash over me and everything out of me and I just broke down crying.

"Oh baby..." Chris said and walked us to the bed and sat me down. "What happened?" Chris asked.

"He got her pregnant while we were still engaged." I said and Chris sighed.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Cora is 3 months pregnant. They announced it at dinner. The thing was he never wanted to get me pregnant he always used condoms. He said he never wanted to have kids with me. He never wanted to have my kids or a family with me. I was never going to get to be a mother." I sobbed and Chris just held me to him as I cried. There was a small knock on the door. I wiped my face clean and Chris went to open the door. He was holding a tray with 2 plates and 2 drinks on it. Chris smiled.

"Ma said to bring your food up too and you two just stay here for the night. She will let go of the movie tradition. She said just take care of Ginny."

"Tell her thanks for this." Chris said and walked back into the room with the tray, kicking the door shut with his foot.

"I want you to eat, I know you left your other dinner." Chris said and I just half nodded.

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