15 - Karma at its Finest

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Christmas was over, New Year's was a few days away which meant we were closer to the time of Chris leaving and I sighed hating it. I was gathering everything up from the doctor's office. I didn't want to schedule this appointment but what my mother said needed to be checked. I walked out to the front desk.

"Your results will be in within the week. The lab is running behind and we will call you when they are in." The receptionist said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and went to leave.

"Virginia?" I heard someone say my name in a small voice and I turned to see Cora. Her stomach very much prominent.

"Cora..." I said and went to leave.

"Ginny wait!" She said following after me. I sighed and stopped on the sidewalk, zipping up my winter coat.

"Can we talk for a minute?" She asked and I groaned.

"Cora, I told you after the wedding I was done and I have dealt with you and Jason more than I have ever wanted to. I have moved on, I'm happy with Chris and I just want to live my life Jason and Cora free. Go have the amazing life you both wanted together." I said and went to walk toward my car.

"Please! I will get on knees and beg right here if I have to." Cora said and I turned back around to look at her and the look on her face was hard to read.

"God, I know I'm going to regret this. You want to get coffee?" I asked pointing to the coffee shop a few doors down and she nodded.

We went inside and both ordered some hot chocolate. We got our cups and sat down at a table and we were silent.

"Cora...you asked me to come and against my better judgement I did. I have stuff to get done today." I said and she sighed. She was looking at her cup of hot chocolate and didn't lift her head when she started talking.

"I saw you and Chris were outed on Instagram and then he made a statement a few weeks ago..." Cora said and I nodded.

"We did. Wasn't how we planned but we were seen and that's just how it is. We were okay with it. We are happy and moving forward together." I said. I looked at her and saw a few tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Ginny. I was so horrible to you with Jason and continuing to even see him. It was such a bitch move on my part." Cora then sobbed and I was confused.

"Cora, what is going on? Is this a pregnancy thing?" I asked and she shook her head and wiped away her tears.

"No, you remember my brother Harry?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Well he was married to that girl Blair."


"I found Jason in bed with Blair when I came home from baby shopping the other day. They were having sex Ginny! He was cheating on me." Cora explained. I just stared blankly at her and then started laughing hysterically. Cora looked at me in shock. "Ginny...did you hear me?!"

"Hell yeah I heard you! Why do you think I'm laughing?!"

"I think it's a little uncalled for!"

"Uncalled for?! Cora you were seeing and fucking Jason behind my back! He was cheating on me, with you! What made you think he wouldn't do it again?!" I said.

"I thought he loved me! He said he only loved me."

"He's a liar Cora! Where in your relationship did you ever think this was a good idea?! I mean you got married to the man at a wedding he was planning to marry someone else at. You were fucking him behind my back. I'm sorry I find this hilarious but this is the best karma I could ever ask for. Now I thought it would be years down the road but I guess now is better than waiting." I said and Cora just sobbed but now I could tell it was an angry sob since she wasn't getting any sympathy from me.

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