19 - This Was Life

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"I'm 5 months pregnant. I was 3 when you left but I didn't get confirmation until after you left. This was from Halloween. I know I should have told you sooner but I was scared because of what was said before you left. Chris, we are having a baby." Ginny said and was standing up showing me her pregnant belly.

It all made sense, I had noticed her face was a little bigger and I couldn't help but notice her breasts were bigger, I'm a man so sue me. I didn't know how to take this news though, we talked about this, I told her I wasn't sure about kids. I just closed the laptop in shock, I had to get home, I had to get to Ginny. I packed up my cellphone and laptop then I walked out of the trailer and ran into the producer.

"Hey, we were just coming to talk to you about something."

"I have to go home. There is a family emergency." I said and they looked at me in shock but nodded.

"Of course. Go ahead and take a week and we will just film around your scenes for a week." The producer said as I was walking away to my rental car. I needed to get to the airport, I wasn't even worried about packing a bag, I had clothes at home.

I drove to the airport in a daze and parked the car in the over a week parking lot paying whatever fee I had to. I just needed to get home. I pulled my hat way down so I wasn't seen by anyone as I walked in and quickly bought a plane ticket.

The earliest I could get out was an hour later and I groaned. I didn't have time to call and get a private plane home so I just had to deal with commercial and the hour long wait. Luckily, the hour passed by quickly now I just had a two- and half-hour plane ride until I could get home.

Once I landed in Boston I quickly got a cab and went home. I needed her to be home, we needed to talk. I needed to tell her how I felt about this and what this could mean for us.

"Ginny?!" I yelled once I got into the house. I even noticed the dogs didn't come to greet me, she was gone. I checked around really fast to make sure she didn't pack up to leave and I was comforted to find out she was still living with me. Her laptop on the table where we had been talking and I sighed. I set my laptop bag down, grabbed my cellphone from the bag and placed it in my pocket after I noticed it was dead. I groaned, grabbed my keys and headed out of the house. There was only one place she could have gone with the dogs.

I drove to Ma's and gave a sigh of relief when I saw her car in the driveway but Ma, Scott, Carly and Shanna were all pulling in at the same time I was.

"So you flew home. That's why we couldn't get ahold of you." Carly said and I nodded.

"She inside?" I asked, not seeing Ginny and Lisa nodded.

"Yeah, with the dogs. Let me warn her, that you're here." Lisa said and I half nodded but Lisa went inside.

"Ginny?!" I heard her call out and I rushed into the house to not see her anywhere but the dogs were jumping on me barking and whimpering. Ma and I searched the whole house for her and she wasn't there but her cellphone was on the coffee table.

"Shit..." I mumbled and Ma looked at me.

"You did this you know."

"I know I did..." I admitted.

"She was so scared to tell you. She said you said something about how kids weren't in the cards for you and then she is pregnant. Her mom knew around Christmas because she called it. I knew a few days after you left, I could tell as well, it's a mother thing. Chris she is scared, barely leaves the house to not be seen." Lisa explained and I just hung my head. Everyone was in the house now and I looked at the dogs who were sitting by the door, scratching and whimpering.

"Do you guys know where mom went?" I asked and they barked and I sighed. "They obviously don't and just have to go out." I said and Lisa shook her head.

"Take them for a walk, calm down, we will find Ginny. We all will go out in our cars and look for her. I will go to her parents' house." Lisa said and I nodded.

"My phone is dead so if you find her call her cellphone." I said taking it from the table and we all nodded. I hooked the dogs up to their leashes and we headed out of the house. Dodger and Rita started heading to the park and I sighed knowing she wasn't there but I just went along with it. I didn't know where else to go.

I was replaying the conversation in my head.

-I'm 5 months pregnant... I know I should have told you sooner but I was scared...Chris, we are having a baby-

We were having a baby, I was going to be a dad. It was something I always dreamed of but as I got older I didn't think it would ever happen. I want a future and I definitely wanted a future with Ginny, she was everything to me. When we found her crying in the park all those months ago I didn't know my life would take this turn but it did and I couldn't have been happier.

As I walked the park with the dogs Dodger and Rita started pulling on their leashed and broke free of them.

"Fuck, not again..." I growled and went running after them. "Dodger! Rita! Stop!" I yelled. I rounded the bend where they went and I saw them sitting with the chins on her lap, her head in her hands as she sobbed. Last time she was like this was because of another man and I vowed to never hurt him like he did, but I had.

I walked up to the fountain and sat beside her. She looked up and saw the dogs and then closed her eyes knowing it was me beside her.

"Ginny please look at me." I said and she shook her head.

"I can't right now." Ginny said.

"Okay well maybe just let me explain what happened." I said.

Ginny scoffed. "I know what happened..."

"Please Ginny?" I asked and she sighed but half nodded.

"I fucked up royally. I know what I said about babies, kids and being a dad before I left and I didn't even take your feelings into account, not that I knew then you were pregnant but believe me when I said we weren't even going to discuss kids. I was going to keep putting it off. It's not that I don't want to be a father or have kids but this was a shock to me. I mean your halfway through this pregnancy and have done it all alone. I never wanted you to never be able to tell me this, I mean I know I didn't make it easy like I said and I swear to you I will do everything I can to make it up to you. I'm happy about this baby Ginny, this is our future, the future we were going to discuss when I get to come home. Everything can fall into a better place now." I explained. Ginny was petting the dogs the whole time I talked but I knew she was listening.

"I was hurt Chris. I told you and you hung up on me." Ginny said and I half nodded with a sigh.

"I know, not my finest reaction but I had to get home and see you. I had to get all this worked out with you face to face. Now seeing you crying is not the face I wanted to see. I know I caused it and I'm so sorry baby, I love you." I said and she finally looked at me. I wiped the tears away that were streaking her cheeks. I then kissed both cheeks and she gave me a small smile.

"There's my girl." I said and she smiled leaning her forehead against mine.

"You're really happy?" She asked me and I nodded.

"So happy." I said and she gave a small smile again. She pulled her forehead off of mine.

"So Rita and I will be outnumbered in the house once this little one is born." Ginny said. I thought about what she said for a minute then my face lit up.

"It's a boy?!" I asked.

"It's a boy." Ginny said and I wrapped her in my arms as she laughed.

This was everything, this was life and this was all I needed. Ginny and our son.

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