5 - Jason and Cora Come Home

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It had been almost a week since the bonfire and I was working on packing up more things in the house. I was almost done and I was ready to get out. Rita was lying beside me with her head resting on her lion and I sighed looking her at.

"You miss Dodger huh?" I asked and he looked up at me. "I know, I miss Chris too." I said.

We hadn't talked since he left after I asked him to kiss me. I knew why he turned me down and now thinking back on it I was grateful he didn't take advantage of me. I did want to kiss him, but I think for all the wrong reasons. I heard a car outside and I got excited thinking maybe Chris had stopped by, but Rita stood up and stood in front of me protectively.

"What is it sweetie?" I asked and she started growling. I heard the front door open then giggling. I watch as Jason carried Cora into the house bridal style. He saw me stand up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jason asked.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the Bahamas." I said and he groaned.

"Tropical storm coming in, we had to leave. Answer my damn question!" Jason yelled and I just looked at him.

"This is still my house Jason! My name is on the lease, I can be here!" I yelled.

"Not anymore! This is mine and my wife's place!" Jason yelled and I huffed a laugh.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I reached in and ignored the call not caring to hear who it was right now.

"You mean you and your whores place?!" I said and Cora looked at me in shock.

"How dare you!" Cora screeched.

"Oh, give it the fuck up Cora! You were screwing him! You were with him when I was!" I yelled.

"And he told me I was the best fuck he ever had!" Cora said as my eyes filled with tears, but I refused to let them see me cry.

"Well at least I don't have to fake orgasms anymore and use my vibrator once he is asleep to get off!" I yelled.

"You fucking bitch! I swear to god! Not marrying you was the best choice I ever made." Jason said. He then looked around the house.

"Where are our pictures?" Jason asked. I smirked at him.

"Ashes in the fire pit." I said and he growled. He grabbed a vase from the wall bookshelf and threw it past me and it shattered on the wall behind me causing me to screech out a small scream.

"You burnt them all?!" Jason asked.

"What the fuck does it matter?! You don't love me remember!" I yelled. It was then I zoned in on Rita still barking.

"Shut up you damn dog!" Jason said.

"Don't yell at her! She isn't yours! Like I'm not either!" I yelled.

"You really are going to be alone for the rest of your life!" Jason said.

"I would rather be alone then with you! You got your fucking whore cock warmer now!" I said. I didn't even realized Cora coming up to me until I felt the smack across my face.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Cora yelled.

"Ginny?!" I heard his voice say as he rushed over to me. I didn't even know when he got there. He cupped my face.

"Oh, baby are you okay?" Chris asked and I shook my head slightly.

"What the fuck?! Baby?!" Jason yelled and I then heard a dog growling as Jason took a step to me and I saw Dodger standing beside Rita growling. Chris looked at me in my eyes.

"How did you know to come?" I asked in a whisper.

"You thought you ignored my call, but you answered it and I heard everything. I was in the neighborhood, so I rushed over." Chris said and I just half nodded. He kissed my forehead and it calmed me.

"Well, it looks liked I wasn't the only one cheating in this relationship." Jason said and Chris turned to look at him.

"Excuse me?!" I asked.

"How the fuck did you bag Chris Evans and I never knew it! Is he the one where all the money came from?!" Jason asked and I groaned.

"What the fuck Jason?! I wasn't cheating, Chris found me crying after you and Cora professed your love for each other! He was the caring and kind person I needed in my time of heartbreak. Heartbreak you caused!" I yelled. Chris just stood beside me, but I could feel the heat radiating off of him.

I watched Cora walk over to Chris and smile a sweet smile at him.

"Chris Evans..." She said and I watched her literally make flirty eyes at him and I huffed a laugh.

"You must be one who caused all of this, Cora right?" Chris said and Cora sighed and got flirty.

"I didn't want to hurt her, she was a great friend, but I was in love with Jason."

"Was?!" Jason yelled and I snickered.

"Come get your whore Jason! She already got you, she won't be getting another man from me." I said and Jason walked over and yanked her away from Chris.

"You have twenty-four hours to be out! I want you out of this fucking house! You and your fucking dog!" Jason yelled and they walked out slamming the door. I started shaking and broke down crying the minute they walked out and Chris just wrapped me in his arms as my legs collapsed. Chris picked me up bridal style and carried me to the spare room laying me on the bed.

"Rita, Dodger, bed." Chris said and they jumped on the bed and Dodger laid beside me and Rita was on my other side. I didn't let go of Chris's hand when he went to leave.

"No, please stay." I sobbed. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm just getting the chair." Chris said and I let him go. He brought the chair from the room over and set it beside me and held my hand as he propped up his feet.

"Sleep Ginny." Chris whispered as my eyes grew heavier through my sobs but eventually sleep won out through the tears.

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