20 - Take The Credit and Hush

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I was finishing with Carly curling my hair at the house and I sighed.

"The guys ready?" I asked and she sighed.

"Yes, can you stop worrying, everything is perfect. Chris called the city about blocking off the fountain area for an hour. The mayor loves Chris so she was more than happy to do so. We have the whole area for an hour for the ceremony then pictures. They are all getting ready at Ma's and are going to meet us there. Everything is perfect. Greyson is with Scott and Chris getting in his little suit, Scott has his wedding notes. I have Chris's wedding band. Everything is all set." Carly said.

"I didn't ask for the rundown but thank you for giving it to me so I didn't have to ask." I said as she laughed finishing up putting a small wave in my hair. I looked down at my hands and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Carly asked and I chuckled.

"I miss my baby." I said and Carly laughed. She grabbed my phone and facetimed someone. I heard his voice.

"Babe! I can't see you today!" Chris said and Carly laughed.

"It's me, you can uncover your eyes." Carly said.

"Oh hey, is everything okay?" Chris asked panicked.

"I miss my baby!" I said and Chris laughed.

"I know she doesn't mean me. Ma has him, hold on." Chris said and I could tell he was walking. Once I knew Lisa was handed the phone Carly gave me my phone. I instantly saw mine and Chris' son Greyson Zane Evans. He was 8 months old and perfect, looking just like his father in so many ways.

"Mamamamama." He repeated seeing me and I smiled.

"Hey baby boy. You being good for dada and mimi?" I asked and he just giggled. I smiled and Lisa brought her face into frame.

"He is being the perfect little angel. Let Chris dress him no problem." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Perfect, well I just missed him since I have never really been away from him super long before." I said and Lisa smiled.

"It's okay sweetie, finish getting ready and we will see you at the park in 30 minutes." Lisa said and I nodded. I blew Greyson a kiss and hung up.

"Better now?" Carly asked and I nodded as the bedroom door opened.

"Look who got here." Shanna said as my parents walked in the dogs.

"Hey! My maid of honor Rita and Chris's best man Dodger!" Everyone laughed and I got up and hugged my parents then kissed the dogs.

"Thanks for taking them last night." I said and they nodded.

"No problem, it was nice having them at the house." Athena said and I smiled as then I walked over to the closet and pulled out the dress and everyone smiled.

"It's time to get ready." I squealed and everyone laughed.

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I got to Boston Commons Park and walked to the fountain, I saw everyone standing around waiting

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I got to Boston Commons Park and walked to the fountain, I saw everyone standing around waiting. Dodger started barking at Chris and he looked up as I let his leash go. I followed suit with Rita and they both ran up to Chris. My parents were standing in front of me so I couldn't be seen.

"Ready?" Scott asked and I gave a thumbs up over my parents and everyone laughed. I walked between my parents linking my arms in theirs. They both wanted me to give me away and I was okay with it. Carly was standing with Rita and Shanna was behind Chris with Dodger. Once I reached Chris, he shook my dad's hand and kissed my mom's cheek. He finally took my hands and just looked at me up and down.

"Damn baby." Chris mumbled and I giggled.

I didn't really pay much attention to what Scott was saying until he said it was time for vows.

"Chris and Virginia have written their own vows. So Chris you can go." Scott said and he smiled at me.

"When I met you, you were in a wedding dress, sitting on the fountain crying because you had just had the worst thing happen to you. The worst thing to happen to you was the best thing for me. I just wanted to protect you from all the heartache this world has and have you as mine. I didn't expect to fall as fast as I did but I could help it when I looked into your eyes. You are it for me Virginia. You and Greyson are all I need. If something were to happen to me tomorrow and I was gone I would be happy knowing I had you in my life. I love you."  Chris said and he took the ring from Shanna and placed it on my ring finger. Scott looked at me.

"You can still back out you know..." Scott then added and we all gave a small laugh.

"Never backing out. I never want to back out, Chris you found me when I was a hot mess. I had just been dumped at the alter, beat up some people who deserved it and I just wanted to be left alone. Dodger wasn't going to let that happen. He knew you were what I needed and just had to bring you to me. When you refused to let me deal with everything alone I knew you really cared. You took care of me, you showed me love and affection I had never felt before. You were my knight in shining armor, when I needed one the most. I love you Chris. You are my everything and always will be." I said and took the ring placing it on Chris's finger.

"Well I guess I have nothing else to say other than. These two are officially married, Chris you better kiss this girl and make it official." Scott said and everyone laughed as Chris pulled me flush against him.

"You bet I will." He said and passionately kissed me as everyone cheered.

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My parents insisted on taking Greyson and the dogs for the night so Chris and I could be fully alone. I knew they secretly wanted more grandchildren, Lisa did too but we were one and done. Chris and I were lying in bed with my head on his chest and he sighed contently, grabbing my left hand from his chest where it was resting and fiddled with my wedding ring.

"Excuse me...are you trying to take it off because it's never coming off." I said and he laughed.

"No, just making sure you don't regret any of this life with me?" Chris said and I propped myself up and looked at him.

"Chris, you found me in a wedding dress crying at the fountain. Like I said in my vows you were my knight in shining armor when I needed you the most." I said. He leaned in and passionately kissed me and rolled me to my back.

"Technically Dodger found you, I just followed." Chris said and I just shook my head.

"Take the credit for finding me and hush." I said with a small laugh.

"Yes Misses Evans." Chris said, leaning down and passionately kissed me.

💖💖💖THE END💖💖💖

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