17 - The Future

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Chris and I were laying in bed the next morning tangled in each other and he was just running his fingertips up and down my back. I didn't want to admit I was awake because I knew the sooner I did, the sooner I had to admit Chris was leaving.

"Ginny?" Chris whispered.

"No." I said and he chuckled as I looked back up at him. He gave me a small smile and I sighed.

"Do we have to get up?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, luckily I'm already packed. Packed while you showered yesterday so you didn't have to watch me." Chris said and I sighed. I leaned up and passionately kissed him.

"Well that was considerate of you." I said and we both gave a small laugh. Chris was just looking at me.

"What?" I asked and he sighed.

"When I get back from filming I think we should talk about the future. I mean you are already moving in with me while I'm gone." Chris said and I nodded.

"Why cant we talk a little bit now? You do have sometime right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay well first and foremost in my mind is marriage." Chris said and I smiled.

"How soon?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"The day after I get back." Chris said and we both laughed. "I don't have a time table, I just know I want you as my future Ginny." Chris said and I blushed.

"You are my future Evans." I said and he smiled. "What about kids?" I asked and he sighed.

"You know, I used to think kids were in the cards but me leaving all the time to film and never being home I don't know if it's in the cards for me." Chris said and I sighed.

"I mean I would be there for our kids and I would be able to take care of them." I said and Chris shrugged.

"I just don't think it's in the cards." Chris said and I just half nodded and sat up. Chris watched me sit up staying wrapped in the sheet. "Ginny?" Chris asked.

"I just thought kids were on the table, I want to be a mom Chris. I have always wanted kids." I said and he sighed raking his hand over his face.

"I mean we can discuss kids but I don't know I just was thinking with the dogs and everything that was my life." Chris said and I half nodded.

"Well I guess we'll discuss it later." I said and Chris sighed but nodded. He sat up and kissed my cheek.

"My cab will be here soon, I'm going to shower." Chris said, kissed my cheek and got out of bed. I pulled my knees to my chest and just hugged myself while he showered.

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Chris and I stood at the front door just holding each other.

"I will call you when I get to the rental house." Chris said and I nodded.

"I love you." I said and he nodded.

"I love you more. I promise these 4 months will fly by." Chris said and I nodded.

"I know. You may get to come home sometimes too right?" I asked and he nodded.

"I will try. I really have to go though. I love you." Chris said and passionately kissed me and walked to his cab. I sighed as I stood and watched him leave, a dog on either side of me. Once he was out of the gate I walked inside. Before I could get settled my cellphone rang, I looked at who it was.

"Moment of truth." I said to the dogs and answered my phone.

💖 💖 💖

Chris had been gone for a few days and Lisa was coming over to have lunch and I knew to check on me per Chris's request. I tried to inform her I was fine when she called and said she would pick us up some food from our favorite place but she wouldn't take that for an answer.

I was sitting on the couch when she walked in and I smiled as the dogs ran to her.

"Babies!" Lisa said loving on the dogs and I walked in to greet her. I took the food from her and then hugged her.

"Hey, you feel okay?" Lisa asked placing a hand on my cheek.

"Yeah, just tired. Never knew how much I would miss Chris sleeping next to me." I said with a small laugh and he sighed.

"He will be home before you know it." Lisa said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know. He tell you the news though?" I asked and she nodded as we walked into the table in the kitchen.

"That he wont be able to come home. They won't have breaks long enough." Lisa said and I nodded. "He also told me he will miss your birthday." Lisa continued and I just shrugged.

"I don't care about that, I didn't plan anything for my birthday but I mean I was hoping I would get to spend it with him at least." I said and Lisa sighed.

"You have us and your parents. We can all do a dinner or something." Lisa said and I nodded. We sat and passed out the food. Lisa watched me as she ate and I pushed my food around.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked and I looked up at her. "This is more than Chris not being here." Lisa said and I sighed.

"Just a conversation Chris and I had before he left and I don't know how to take it. Now he is gone and don't know what to do." I said.

"What was discussed?" Lisa asked.

"The future, our future. He said he wants one with me which I love but he said he probably doesn't think kids are in the cards for him..." I said and Lisa groaned knowing her son was a complete idiot she then looked at me and gasped.

"You're pregnant arent you?!" Lisa asked shocked.

"How did you know?!" I asked and he looked at me.

"Ginny, I have been pregnant 3 times. I know the look." Lisa said. I sighed and hung my head.

"Almost 3 months. It happened around Halloween. I found out right after Chris left." I said and Lisa sighed.

"Does he know?" Lisa asked and I shook my head.

"This doesn't seem like something to tell him over the phone or even a video chat." I said and Lisa looked at me.

"So you are going to wait until he comes home?! Ginny, you will be about 7 months pregnant when he gets home!" Lisa said and I half nodded.

"I know, trust me, I do." I said and she sighed.

"So what, he comes home and you just go here is me and baby take it or leave it?" Lisa asked and I groaned putting my head in my hands.

"I don't know Lisa, I swear I didn't plan on this and I didn't know how he felt until he left. This is all a lot to deal with." I said and she sighed placing a hand on mine on the table.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to badger. I'm here for you." Lisa said and I smiled at her with tears in my eyes.

"I don't know what to do if he doesn't want kids. I love Chris and I want a future with him but now..." I said and Lisa shook her head.

"It's okay, we will work it all out." Lisa said and I nodded.

"Come on, you need to eat. You're eating for two now." Lisa said and I gave her a small smile.

Second Times the Charm ⭐️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα