3 -Smiling Not Crying

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I was finishing getting ready when the room phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Dodger and I are in the lobby waiting for you." Chris said and I smiled.

"On my way." I said and hung up. I grabbed everything I needed and I walked out of the room. I was so excited to go out today and get a dog that I almost forgot that I was dumped at the altar the day before. Once I got to the lobby I saw Chris sitting in a chair and Dodger sitting between his legs. Once I came into view Dodger ran from Chris and met me. He jumped on me and I smiled.

"Hey buddy, you miss me?!" I asked ruffling his fur and kissing his muzzle. Chris came rushing over as I grabbed Dodger's leash and handed it to Chris.

"You should really hold on to that better." I said and Chris laughed.

"In my defense, last night he broke free from it all together." Chris said and I half nodded. We walked out of the hotel and got in Chris's SUV. As we drove we were silent and Chris looked at me at one point in time.

"I don't know how to ask this honestly but how are you feeling today? I know this morning was a little tough but..." Chris said and I sighed. I looked down at my left hand where the engagement ring used to be.

"I mean I know it was for the best, they were willing to go into this thing and just cheat on me the entire time. I'm happy I found out now before we got married but now, they are off living their best lives and here I am stuck, left to pick up the pieces." I said.

Chris sighed and just took my hand, giving it a small squeeze.

"Then this morning I had to turn my phone off because I'm getting calls and texts from everyone asking how I am. I just wish they would all leave me alone." I said and Chris nodded.

"Can you block people?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"It's all family just checking on me. I don't think I want to block them. Easier to ignore them, give them my voicemail and then delete all messages." I said and he laughed. We pulled into the shelter parking lot and Chris turned to look at me.

"Give me your phone."


"Just do it." Chris said. I pulled it from my pocket and he started doing something, then I heard him talking.

"You have reached Ginny's phone. Yes she didn't get married to the idiot Jason, she is better off without him. Yes he got with her ex-best friend and they are now living a horrible life together. Ginny is doing just fine, would appreciate it if you would stop calling her and leave her alone. She is perfectly fine and doesn't need that douche nozzle." Chris said and then saved it.

"What is that?" I asked as he gave me my phone back.

"Your voicemail message."

"CHRIS?!" I asked laughing and he shrugged.

"Saves you from getting a million voicemails."

"Now I have to explain who you are." I said and laughed.

"A friend Ginny, a friend who cares about you and your well-being." Chris said and I smiled at him. He got out of the car, got Dodger from the back and then handed me the leash at the door.

"Okay, he is all yours for the moment. He is going to help you pick out a dog."

"How is he going to help me?" I asked.

"Dodger is a good judge of character for humans and animals. He will help you pick a good dog. One he likes well enough that he could have playdates with." Chris said and I smiled. We walked in and talked to the lady behind the counter and she let me go in the back and start looking at the door. Before I could make it through 2 cages Dodger was pulling me down to the end of the row.

"Dodger!" I said and he finally stopped in front of a cage. There was dog in there, older and clearly not a puppy anymore. I bent down and put my hand up to the cage so she could sniff my hand and then she started licking it. I stuck my hand in the opening and started petting her.

"Hey girl. You are so beautiful." I said. Chris came up behind me.

"She is gorgeous." Chris said and I nodded.

"And sweet." I said and he nodded.

This dog looked like a mutt, like Dodger, but she was brown, white and black. She was beautiful, loving and I knew I wanted her.

 She was beautiful, loving and I knew I wanted her

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"She is the one." I said looking at Chris.

"Really?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yes, her." I said and Chris smiled. He motioned for the worker as he took Dodger's leash.

"Is this the girl?" She asked and I nodded.

"She is. Does she have a name?" I asked. They lady nodded.


I laughed and looked at Chris.

"It's kismet." I said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry." The worker said confused. I pointed at Dodger.

"His name is Dodger, like Dodger from Oliver and Company, the Disney movie. Her name is Rita, Rita is the name of another dog from the movie. Rita and Dodger are good friends in the movie...this Rita and Dodger are going to be good friends too. So...kismet." I explained and she laughed.

"Well, why don't we go get the paperwork filled out and everything you need." She said handing me Rita's leash.

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Once we got Rita adopted Chris took us to the pet store. We went about getting her food and everything she would need. We went down the toy aisle and Dodger rushed Chris down to a stuffed animal lion.

"Buddy, yours is at home." Chris said. Dodger picked one up and dropped it in front of Rita and I looked at Chris with a smile.

"I think he wants her to have one like his." I said and Chris smiled. I linked my arm in his not thinking as we continued to walk the store once Rita picked up her lion. Once we were checking out Chris pulled out his credit card.

"Chris..." I said and he shook his head.

"I want to Ginny." Chris said and I smiled. I leaned up and kissed his cheek instinctively. He smiled down and kissed me back on my cheek. I just looked at him as he looked down at me.

"Thank you Chris, for everything." I said and he nodded.

"I just want to see you smiling and not crying." Chris said and I smiled.

"Well you have succeed but now I need your help with one more thing..." I said and Chris nodded as we left the store.

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