Chapter Three

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'Finally, got everything marked and ready for the next few months.'

Placing my books under the desk I lift my hands into my hair running my nails against my scalp and humming as the door creaked open. Out of the corner of my eye Newton drags himself into the room. He immediately doesn't look too pleased to see me. But I can't help it the smile on my face was contagious every time I saw him.

"Well, Hello to you too Nerd." I quip, he doesn't respond which by this point is somewhat normal. We hadn't spoken since junior high since the incident. Before than I would bug him to death, take his things, try my hardest to get him to just look at me but most of the time I took it too far... Cringy kid stuff.

Getting up from my desk, I round the chair and over to where he had fallen into his own. Tired eyes against the textbook he had placed down as I go to lay my hand on his shoulder. Newton flinched, full out moved a bit if I hadn't been holding my hand barely above his shoulder I probably wouldn't have noticed as his shoulder hit my palm.

"No hello nerd? That's a bit rude."

Groaning he looks from the cover of the textbook to me; his usually soft umber orbs are clouded as he spoke.

"Hey Derek..."

Softly smiling my hand automatically run through his hair a soft rumble running out of his throat as his eyes close.

After a moment he draws his head back. Pulling the textbook open, he delves into the page as I shrug and walk away. He's got to be out of it. But the flinch still bore into my mind a weight playing at my shoulders. Stretching the soft buzzing of my phone catches my attention as the screen lit up against my sheets.

Opening the lock screen message upon message bounce forward making me roll them as my fingers slide across the screen. A good portion of our grade that did some work made it into this school, the group chat always blowing up throughout the day.

Bending down, I pull my sneakers on and push the phone into my pocket. Grabbing my jacket, I check and make sure the keycard is in the inner pocket before heading towards the door.

"Well, I got another party to oversee Nerd I'll be back. Get some rest or something you look like death." Pulling the jacket on he waves me off the scratch of his pencil resounding within the coming silence.

"Another one?" His head comes up from the textbook turning to look at me. "It's a bit late for a party? The gates would lock at eight if you actually paid attention." Giving me a weird look, a smile stretches across my face.

'Is he actually worried? Am I reading way to far into this? Probably...'

"I remember Nerd. You worried about me? ~" Folding my arms over my chest Newton shakes his head looking down. Looking back up his face brightens. "Aww, you want to come along nerd. It'll be fun?"

"Nope, just go!" Turning back around he keeps his head down the tapping of the pencil repetitive as my eyes widen a bit.

'I am never going to get used to him snapping at me. I'm so proud! Should I push it?'

Shrugging I stride over, I can feel my tail drop from my waist swaying slowly as my arms wrap around his shoulders.

"You've become ballsy Puppy~ Where in the world is it coming from?" I whisper against his ear making a visible shiver roll down his shoulder. For a moment the idea of stopping does sound like a better option. But the words had already fell from my lips. "What's the matter Pup?"

When we were younger, we used to quip about each other's abilities, lives, his pack in better words being the bane of all his jokes as being the youngest of three made him get away with most things. We were two peas in a pod back than watching the world from the sidelines.

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