Chapter Twenty

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Muffled voices floated around the room, the show they played all forgotten as heated kisses scaled across freckled splashed skin, a soft rumble against the air. Pushing fingers against flushed features.

"You okay puppy?" Gulping down on air he nods a bit, orbs never once leaving mine. Even with crooked glasses all but forgotten against the floor somewhere those dilated pupils stayed glued to my own. Chuckling my fingers run down his neck, over his half-done button up and back. Watching as the goosebumps rose to the surface as he seems to turn into putty between my fingers.

"I- I want to try something." Newton all but stutters out his voice coming barely above a whisper.


Came to mind as he lifts his fingers to run over my sides, from my thighs up to my waist. Stopping for only a moment before capturing my lips once more. Arms wrapping tight, pulling me as close as possible my tail going high into the air. Swaying slowly before tightening around his upper arm. The soft growl that pulled up from my throat seemed to catch Newton off guard for a second as he chuckles.

Moving so that my back laid on the couch I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into my chest. Holding him close for a few minutes breathing heavily as his arms made their home back around my waist.

"C-can I- um" Burying his face into my chest his voice is far to mumbled. Shaking my head, I take either side of his face and lift it to look at me.

"What was that puppy?", "I-um I was wondering if I could-" A sharp knock on the front door hits our ears. Jutting up, Newton falls onto his face grumbling as a bout of laughter filled the room. "Ow." Pushing up off the floor, I take his hand and get up behind him. Handing him, his glasses he plants a kiss on my forehead before walking towards the door.

After a moment, I step out into the hallway towards the front door finding Newton talking to Lilith a scowl upon her face as she looks over his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I question stepping beside him, Newton shakes his head lifting his hand to rub his eyes under his glasses.

"It looks like things are changing." Confused I look back over to his sister who looks as though if she could tear someone's head off, she would with no hesitation. Opening my mouth to say something a sudden cold wave hit my body my legs feeling like jelly as my back hits the wall behind me.

'What in the hell. What is happening?'

Feeling hands against my side everything felt weird, the floor all but disappearing before soft fabric met my side. Reaching out my hand is caught and laid back against my side as lips met my forehead soft distorted words coming and going.

'What is going on?!'

With that the distorted world became nothing more than a darkened abyss.


'There we go.'

Fixing the sheets against Derek's body, his hand grabs mine, his grip weak and I lay his hand back against him. Leaning forward, I kiss his forehead and pull away.

"Are you sure this is for the best." Lilith questioned, leaning against the doors frame. Turning around I nod, and step passed her, her arms folded over her chest, eyes watching me as I disappear down the stairs. Pulling my shoes on Lilith step over to me.

"Were going into the house of a guy who had helped me kill my best friend and attack what's mine now. I'm not letting him anywhere near Derek again." Stomping my foot, I head outside keys in hand. Locking the door as Lilith step out into the nights cool air. The deep green forest jeep sits at the end of the driveway as the jingle of keys hits my ears.

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