Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Calm down, Lilith will tear their throat out." Gripping either side of his maw the growl rips against my palm. Pulling back, I toss my flannel onto the ground fingers moving to my left upper arm and pushing my shirt sleeve up to reveal several moon-like tattoo's each one a crescent silver except for one which lays dark an empty moon with a soft scar against it. Two full, and a crescent a sigh leaving my lips as I turn my arm to show him.

"See, see she's still alive." Gripping his lower jaw and making his eyes stare into the moons a soft whimper pulling from his throat. "Don't you ever do that again." I growl back, releasing his jaw and moving to grab my flannel. The soft burning pain leaks through the marks as I turn and throw the flannel at him.

"Sorry Mac."

"Don't be, this hasn't happened in a long time." Compared to myself Newton is much smaller my flannel swallowing him. The end dangling passed his knees as he fixes the sleeves.

"Now, we are going to stay here for a few minutes before heading back." Newton nods as he moves to lean against the nearest trees.

"Mac." Letting a sigh fall from my lips I look over. Newton stands rubbing his eyes for a minute before looking to me. "What are we going to do?"


Lifting my hand to the back of my head a curse falls from my lips.

"I don't know." Looking up from him to the sky in thought. "But we'll figure out something."

After a long minute Lilith showed up crimson against her nails as she wipes away the smeared blood.

"Sorry for the delay. Did you know Derek's dad is damn good at getting info?" Lilith gestured back behind her a smirk on her face before dropping it a sneer crossing her face. "I got my girl looking with her uncle. Will hopefully get some info to where they have taken her." Striding over to Newton her hand pulls him against her side. "We'll find her. Got to just stay patient."

"Your one to talk." Newton retorts a smirk against his lips, pulling her arm away she busts out laughing.

"Oh, you little shit!"

"Excuse me." All eyes snap to the voice Angelia stands off to the side her arms behind her back as she watches us.

"Mrs. Shaw."

"Angelia dear Mac." Stepping forward she still carries herself with a swift draw as her tail sways lowly behind her. Even now as grown-ups her features sharp never once became this soft. Looking us over before speaking. "I would like to invite you all to stay within our home until we can have this mess sorted."

"Are you sure?" Newton spoke toying with the cuff button under his elbow.

"Yes, right now you all are stranded in the open at any point those ridiculous hunters could come back. Now, we shall talk more about it once we get back it is getting a bit nippy out here." She proclaimed turning away from us.

"Guess we have no choice." I mumbled laying my hand on Newtons back and ushering him forward. "Let's get out of here."


Reaching the house Trevor stands idly a rifle within soot covered gloves for a long minute he is silent as we enter eyes moving only to greet us for a second. His attire once cutthroat now disheveled as I could only assume unwanted guest came knocking.

"Madam." He finally spoke as the soft click of the door locking seemed to cut through the tense air, near nauseating as my mother looked back.

"Yes? Is something the matter?" Quickly nodding Trevor gestures towards the back of the house with not another word she all but disappears my father close behind.

"Oh great, what is it now?" I grumbled moving to follow but with a swift hand Trevor blocks my path.

"Your mother and father will retell but for now I believe rest is in order." Letting out an agitated puff of air I couldn't really argue with him. My legs and arms all but burning as he led us up the foyer's stairs, as he leads, I take Newton by the hand and whisk him into my room. The cold air a welcomed feeling as my body crumbles into the sheets.

After a moment of silence, I open my eyes and look over to Newton who hasn't moved from where I had let his hand go. Sitting up on my elbows I pat the spot next to me.

"You don't need an invitation, do you? I thought that was more of a vampire thing?" Smirking my heart flutters at the smile that slowly makes its way onto his face. Kicking his shoes off he falls back onto the bed next to me. "Better?"

"A bit. Her moon hasn't vanished or darkened so that's a positive. Things aren't going to get any easier for us, is it?" Humming at his words I shrug and fall back against the sheets.

"I don't know. We'll think more about it tomorrow... okay?"

"Alright." Newton is quick to respond silence making quick work of the room till heavy lids finally closed.


Snarled curses and seething promises fall from broken lips as the soft taps of platforms trailed the study. Eyes burning as impish tail swayed ever poised to strike.

"We'll ask only once more, where they have taken Edith Mercer?"

"The werewolf fucker?" The man spat a twisted grin forming across his face. "Dead. Plain and simple." He finally barks out anger dripping form rose colored lips.

"If I hadn't thought better, I believe you actually have a death wish." Jutting his head to look towards me a smile breaks onto my lips as fear became speckles within darkening eyes. "What do you think dear?" Crimson nails suddenly dig into his neck, tightening with every second.

"I think it's a bit too early to end this meal." Angelia quipped dragging her nails over his neck, pulling them away and stepping over to where I sat at my desk. "This is far worse than what was predicted, are you sure you wish to be a part of this?"

That question hit me like a train and for a moment I had no idea how to answer, she was right, she was always right. Things are going to be getting far worse for us once things ramp up. Haven stayed out of the Hunters ways for so long this will be an entire turn around, now at the forefront. My mind drew nothing at all, at least till my eyes met hers and all I could do was smile.

"Not the worst thing we've been through together. I think we'll be fine."

The Mercer Pack SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin