Chapter Five

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Derek p.o.v

'Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!'

The curses run through my head like a speeding bullet as I rush around the room, it has been over two weeks since the glasses incident and the headache has gotten far worse than I could ever imagine. I should have feed on someone by this point but NO! My stubborn obsession in mind digs its very nails into my thoughts with ever inkling of feeding from someone else. Gods do I hate my weary mind most of the time, better yet I hate my whole existence right now! The itching against the base of my skull driving the ache deeper.

Newton has luckily passed out by this point; he will not be up for a couple of hours so that should give me some time. Dropping down beside my bed my arm stretches out to grab a small black bag underneath. Holding it to my chest for a minute with one hand the other pulling myself off the floor and towards the door. Making sure it was locked I walk back over to the bed. Removing the contents, a small clear bottle that seemed to light up at my touch, and an EpiPen like injector. Laying the bag off to the side.

Newtons tired groan reaches my ears causing me to freeze up, holding the items against my chest, my eyes drawing over to his sleeping form. After a long minute, I release the breath I held the grasp over the items loosening.

For the past few years, I have had my mother send me what she lovingly calls 'Liquid Pheromones.' Something to help with my loose feedings. She thankfully does not mind that my obsession is a werewolf what seems to be upsetting her now is what I did to him. The day of the accident she already knew I had some part to play, even as reluctant as it was. But Newton would always tell people the reason we stopped talking was the crowds we shifted to. If that were true, I would not be trying to shove this damn needle into my leg right now...

No, all because of one stupid night I had slipped up and forgot. One stupid night that my anger got the better of me and I just wanted him to leave my thoughts. I never believed my mom about obsessions, shit her and my dad never showed that to me growing up, so it had to be all bullshit. That was before ever thought that ever graced my mind was about him, circled him like I was a planet, and he was my sun. The pain behind it hurt so much, I hated it so much, I tried everything to make it stop.

Shoving him in lockers over the weekend, throwing his lunch out the windows, even throwing his books into the trash any chance I could tear them from his grasp, anything. But it never seemed to quell that ache that began to make itself known. Never changed the happy go lucky attitude that always seemed to meet me every day. Up until the shutdown.

When everything boiled over and everything became numb.

Putting the EpiPen away, I make everything scarce. Luckily, he hadn't moved much beside pulling his pillow close to his face as he had kicked his sheets off of himself.

'Why out of all people does it have to be this one to make my very heart ache...'

Falling back against my comforter the thudding behind my eye's calms down to a low tingling sensation the 'medicine' making itself known against my prickled skin. Closing my eyes, the silence is quick to be broken as Newton juts forward falling off his bed his body nearly shifting right there his eyes are wild and frantic as they fly about the room wider than I had ever seen them.


Pushing off the bed I fall onto the floor in front of him my hands flying up to grab either side of his face. Which for it being me is one of the stupidest plans I could have produced in a long time.

"HEY! Hey, look at me Newton! It's okay, you're okay!" I try to keep a low voice as I pull his head over my shoulder, racking my fingers through the mass of fur that began to form. His body is shaking so much, what in the hell was he dreaming about. "Deep breaths okay, deep breaths." I repeat those words like a mantra, continuing to weave my fingers through his hair till his body grew limp in my arms. "Newt? Nerd are you okay?"

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