Chapter Eight

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Class ended uneventful. Besides the full sprint out the door. Looking back as the hall fills with other students my eyebrows raise, he was tailing me, what in the hell? Rounding the corner out into the courtyard I'm tackled into the grass cursing loudly as my fingers dig into the dirt to scramble forward and back onto my feet.

"No slut to save you this time Bareback." The sharp dig of his heel digging into my back a harsh pain shooting through my spine as his lackies held me down. "Now," He pauses tapping his finger against his chin in thought. Stepping around to stand in front me. "What to do about you?" He hums planting his shoe against my skull and keeping me buried into the dirt.

A mechanical click reaches our ears, through the dirt I could see a young woman in the deep blue security attire her voice sharp as she shouted.

"Hands up!" Lifting their hands, Jacksons foot pushes my head deeper into the dirt. "You get up." Her taser pointed dangerously towards the three idiots. Pushing off the ground, my glasses askew as I stumble to my feet. The security guard grabbing my arm to help me upright.

"Stay out of this." Jackson growled out his teeth gritted as he lowered his arms. "Do you know who I am? My Father will hear about this."

Her taser rises and with-it Jackson's arms move back up a look of anger flattened against a sharp smirk.

"Mr. Parker if that's a threat I need you to turn around and walk away." Her eyes never leave his as she pulls her hadn away from my arm to train the taser. His eyebrows raised as his tan skin paled, eyes glued to the taser before looking to his lackies.

"Fine, Fine! Keep an eye over your shoulder Mercer!" Walking back a few steps he turns and takes off, the others following close behind.

"Thank you." Placing my hand over my back, I try to rub away the pain. "Man, my back is killing me." I mumble stretching a bit as the woman turns to face me.

"No problem, I heard horror stories about that 'Golden Child.' But didn't think he was that bad." Placing her taser in its holster tight against her side as she motions towards her collar. Only then did I notice the small camera hanging next to the top collar button. That would explain the pale look against his features. "I'm Ruby Fairwell and you are?"

"Newton, Newton Mercer." I respond her hand raising for me to shake which is quick as my phone vibrates loudly against my back pocket. "Excuse me." Pulling back, I take out my phone eyes landing on the unknown number that in quick almost illegible text asking me to hurry back.

For a long minute I'm confused before looking back over to Ruby, who is fixing her deep tangerine dyed hair, deep brown roots underneath.

"I got to get going, but thanks again." I quickly wave her off and she nods giving me a thumbs up and walking off. Pocketing my phone, I make my way back to my room. Fixing my crooked glasses as I reach the door. Taking out the keycard, I swipe it. "I got lucky this time... Something's got to be done." Stepping inside, the smell of weed floats into the hall. Groaning I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Damn, seriously Derek? Could have gone somewhere else?" I grumbled pushing the door which seemed to be a lot harder than it usually was.

Looking around the room, the utter disarray of blankets and scattered objects over the room. Looking behind the door my eyes widen at the sight of Derek's mattress up against it. Pushing it out of the way a bit I close the door and look towards the open window.

"What happened? Derek?" I don't even see Derek, his tail though making itself damn known. Wrapping around my jean leg tightly as I stepped into, the center of the room. Tripping me forward my hands grip my mattress which I'm surprised hadn't been touched beside the missing blankets. "SHIT?!" Laying on my stomach I look to where the tail had been coming out of. Under my bed, within the huddle of my blankets his wide eyes filled with fear.

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