Chapter Six

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Getting to class, exhaustion lapped at my bones like water to sand staggering my footing as I stepped into class. The professor close behind as the bell above chimed aloud across campus. From there lessons droned on, tapping my foot against the carpeted floor as he explained the easiest equation. Things that I already know about. Feeling an arm against my back my body nearly flies from the seat.

"Wow babe, what's got you all jumpy today?" Garrett's voice hits the back of my ear, the internal urge to hit him with a chair become ever more tempting. Pushing his hand off my back, I keep my eyes trained on the subject in front of us.

"Not now." I whisper a look of disappointment crossing his face, 'Score one for me.' I thought as his hand finds my back once more, rubbing it as the class drones on. Mentally cursing the entire time till the bell sounded. Shooting up and gathering my books I make a beeline for the door. Out into the bustling hallway as Garrett's voice tried to follow.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Grumbling, I slip through the forming crowds as my mind wonders. Over the past three years the feeling in my every nerve drove me, made me sick to my stomach. Even the one-night stands became something of a nauseating occurrence. Until it just stopped.

Seeing that Newton was my roommate was some fucked up miracle to say the least. So, bumping into him on my escape from Garrett did not surprise me as much as it usually would.

His clothes where disheveled, hair an utter mess, and his face as red as a freshly picked cherry. The cause of such a look coming up fast. Jackson Fucking Parker, and he looked utterly enraged.

"What did you do this time nerd?" The question falls easily looking from the incoming werewolf to the mop of greasy hair that was Garrett closing in fast. Without a second thought I yank Newton by his collar, his body easily letting me move him. "Explain later. RUN!!" Pulling him through the thinning crowd Jacksons obnoxious voice is quick to follow us.


The insult was something I hadn't heard in a long time, it being something only a hunter would yell towards wolves that choose to separate form their packs. But that's not Newton, he would never.

"STOP MAKING FUN OF YOURSELF YOUR MAKING IT TO EASY!!" I retort over my shoulder without even thinking, a soft bout of laughter hitting my ears a second after words, and if my heart could beat any fast, I would be passing out right now. The snort that comes along with it something he tries to hold back as my eyes land on possible the only thing to hide us.

Yanking him behind a nearby pillar my arms move to wrap around his neck, he freezes at the touch eyes wide as we stand there for a good minute or two. They rush back curses falling from their lips as they search. After another long minute they move down the emptying hall. Reluctantly I let my arms drop from Newton's neck.

'We aren't there yet...' The words crossing my thoughts as we step out from behind the pillar. His crocked glasses looking every which way, worry clouding those beautiful irises.

"So, you going to tell me why that pompous ass was chasing you? or do I have to shove you in a locker to find out?" I question a smirk on my face, 'Please get the joke.' My mind pleads as Newton stops looking around to look almost down at me. 'Has he gotten taller or is that just me?'

"Huh? Oh, shit yeah. Sorry fuck..." he curses running his hands through his hair.

The curses that fell always seemed to put a little surprise on my face, but it was all to welcomed as growing up the only time he would dare let them fall was with a hand over his mouth.

But this, this was with a confused look and wondering eyes as he runs a hand over the back of his neck the other fixing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

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