Chapter Nine

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A good month and a half have passed by in a blink, things between Newton and I have been smooth even a bit flirtatious at times. But every time I look at him, I remember what I did, I don't know if I should pull it up now or wait but it is starting to eat away at my very thoughts. The only good thing being the book my Ma sent me. Sneakily getting it into his stuff was easier said than done.

But he seems to be reading it, though only when he thinks I'm asleep under the dim light of his phone under the blankets. Every so often he'll look over at me, face redder than the cherry, I don't know if I should just kiss him now and see what happens.

I think he's getting the jest of it though; I hope.

The afternoon sun leaks through the pillars as my heels clicked with every step. The cool air a calming change to the barren heat. From the corner of my eye, I can see Garrett his back to me as he talks to a few fresh Upstairs girls. One of the most ridiculous names I've heard yet, since the old club got ratted on two weeks ago. Shrugging, I walk past eyes landing on my back as I stride into class.

Newton is leaned forward eyes glued to the book a soft blush against his cheeks as his eyes drew over to the door. Pushing the book closed as our eyes met a smirk crawling over my features as I place my books on the seat beside him.

"Morning Nerd, guess we'll be in the same class the rest of this term." The teasing under tone he seemed to catch as he shakes his head. Pulling the book under the desk and against his leg.

"Yeah, you're Professor I heard g- got into some hot water." Grabbing his notebook, the teacher enters a tight-lipped frown upon their face Jackson right behind her. Mister high and mighty piece of shit passes our desks a sharp glare on his features as his hand skims over Newton's notebook knocking it to the floor as he scales the stairs quickly.

The loud thud makes everyone turn as someone had so conveniently placed the teacher's pointer stick just enough to trip the pompous ass onto his knees. Chuckles ruptured through the room like a bunch of children as he stands up straight to dust himself off glaring everyone down the best he can. Snatching up the pointer he hands it over to the teacher who holds their hand out to take it.

"Thank you, Jackson, please find your seat."

Doing so Newton grabs his notebook off the floor and fixes himself, opening the pages as the lesson begun. Through the mumbled words the scratching of Newton's pencil draws my attention an idea popping into my head as he scribbled down the notes almost transfixed on every word. Which most likely he was as I smiled softly.

'He's got to be cute, why's he got to be cute.'

Placing my hand against his upper thigh a surprised look dances over my eyes as his usual jumpy behavior all but disappeared. Instead, his leg raises a bit as I go to lift my hand meeting it a bit in the air as he drops it back down.

After a good hour the teacher lets us go the time all but flying by as I took my hand from his leg. Slipping something into his pocket as I stand, out of the corner of my eye Newton's confused expression meets me. Smirking, I make my way out into the hall he isn't all too quick to catch up. Probably staring the paper down like the black plague or something.

Moving towards the courtyard some people are already chilling out the nice breeze something to enjoy as I scan the open field for a comfortable place to sit. After a few minutes, I'm tempted to go back and see what's taking his sweet ass time but before I could move Newton is plopping himself in front of me with the most confused look he could muster.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" The question falls from those lips a movement over his shoulder catches my eyes. Garrett and Jackson are mumbling and eyeing us a long scar against his body visible a reminder of what he had tried to do. Snapping out of it when Newton coughs.

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