Chapter 20

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SOOO I have been thinking that I really hate letting you all down but I would LOVE if I got more comments and likes on this story since this is my most famous story out of the rest. So until I get some comments this is going to be the latest chapter until I get some love from you guys! I will upload when I can since I am living with family and they need help a lot more, so I hope you guys enjoy this!!

Chapter 20

Jake's POV

I felt a strange vibe coming from the house , but it wasn't my house so I was even more worried because I haven't felt this vibe since that night. The night that I lost my parents.

"Kate I need you to stay here while I go check out your house."


I didn't even let her finish befor I turned around and put my finger to my lips and she understood that this was serious.

I made my rounds looking through the house fully all the while thinking to myself that I couldn't lose her too, I mean I just met her and I really wanted to have things grow and mature in no way that I thought possible. I don't even know what would happen if something were to happen to her, we barely knew each other not even a month and already I was willing to lay my immortality down for her , but I knew they most definitely didn't want me. No they wanted her and only because they could sense how much she meant to me.

I knew that even though I had these pretty cool powers that my powers wouldnt even compare to theirs adn that I was doomed to help save Kate's life.I would do anything to save her from what was about to come.

I made my way back downstairs and out the front door to a very quiet and still Kate. Her eyes were focused on me and her knuckles were white from holding everything. I quickly grabbed the luggage and snacks from her and put them all where they went and then I went back outside to still a very statue like version of Kate.

"Kate honey you're okay for right now. Something is going to happen and I don't know when but it is very dangerous and I just want you to be as prepared as possible."

I saw the color drain from her face and she looked up into my eyes "Oh-Okay, I feel lightheaded. Can you take me inside?"

"Yeah, anything for you honey."

I picked her up and she felt so light and warm, but cold at the same time. I brought her into the living room and sat her down on one of the couches. I went adn grabbed her a glass of wine. As I set it down in front of her she snatched it up gulping it down in a few to less gulps than I liked. I didn't want to say anything to offend her because she looked to fragile for liking.

"You know you're an ass." I hear her whisper into the silence.

"Yeah I know that, why are you bringing that up now?"

"I just felt like I needed to say it. Just to be clear suppose." She muttered as she played with her win glass.

I grabbed her hands and put the glass on the coaster that was in front of her an tilted her head up to meet my eyes. I rubbed my thumb over her lips and then down her neck, leaving goosebumps as I repeated the process over and over to relax her a little.

"Am I going to die Jake?" She squeaks to me with her eyes becoming watery as I stare into her beautiful eyes.

"Not as long as I'm here to protect you. I will do anything and everything to keep you alive. I won't let anything happen to you Kate."

"Do you promise?" She asks me with her hand intertwining with mine.

"I do promise you that I will do anything I can to keep you out of harms way."

I kiss her temple as I stand to get her a glass of water. When I walk back into the living room I see her relax somewhat. I still feel the worry rolling off her body but she is trying to relax her body a little as her breathing slows. I hear her heart pick up a little as I touch her and she exhales. I see her trying to put up a front to protect me from seeing how this really is affecting her. It was to late because I already saw it and I could feel it still.

"What are you thinking Kate?"

"Honestly?"She asks with her eyebrow raised.

"Yes honestly. I want to know."

"I'm scared of losing you so quickly. I have a gut feeling that this is going to end with death and I don't want it to be you. I don't think I could deal with losing you Jake."

"I know, me either Kate, but you listen to me. Its going to be them that is going to be dead because I am going to take care of them so they cant keep trying to control my life. I won't let it happen again."

I looked at her and I leaned in towards her, giving her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

"I feel crazy for you Kate, so don't think that they will get away with this or that either of us is going to die. You can't think that way."

"You must expect the unexpected."

"Exactly baby, that doesn't mean we won't die. It means that they are going to die."

"Yeah but it could mean we could die." She said as she released her grip of my hand and started wringing her hands together.

"Think positive , we'll get through this I promise. I won't let you go and will protect you through anything. You are part of my life now."

" I love you Jake."

"I love you too Kate."

"I know, but Jake?"


"Who is 'them' exactly?"

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя