Chapter 24

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I know its almost been a month you guys since I have uploaded a chapter BUT I recently lost a cousin in my family and its hit my family pretty hard. Also because my motivation has sucked and I've been so damn tired lately. Definitely not trying to get y'all to feel sorry for me but I just wanted to get you guys to see that I have been meaning to upload something for y'all just haven't gotten around to it until now.. sadly. BUT I hope I'll be forgiven with this chapter.


Kate's POV

Everything was weird, it all felt very real at one moment. Then BAM it was most certainly a dream. I felt pressure on my body, grogginess was keeping me on the verge of dreamland. I wanted to wake up but whatever was keeping me sedated was dragging me back into another weird ass dream...


Jake's POV

"When is she supposed to wake up Collin?" I asked again for probably the millionth time.

At this point I knew the answer and I was probably annoying the living hell out of him for asking every fifteen minutes. I was just so anxious to see her eyes and see her smile once more. I could've lost her forever because of who I am and I most certainly wasn't about to take for granted anything about her.

"When her body is ready to wake back up. We can't force her to wake up until she is ready. Her body needs time to heal, if in fact we do not give it time to heal properly and give it time , she could have problems her whole life." Collin replied with as ease as putting your shoes on.

"Okay, I know I am annoying you every time I ask-"

"I get it Jake, you love her and want what is best for her. " Collin said as he turned to look at me and give me a genuine smile.

"Thanks for understanding man." I said as I squeezed Kate's hand again.

I was anxious, every single cell in my body was waiting. We were ready for her to wake up and smile . I was ready to kiss those lips and tell her how much I love her. Of course at some point I was going to have to sit her down and explain a few more things to her , so something like this isn't a surprise if it happened to happen in the future.

I, of course, don't ever want it to happen again. However, I can't control what happens in the future. Things happen whether or not I want them to. I didn't see Katelyn Ann-Lynn Tatum coming, she just showed up. She is the best thing that has happened to me and I want every single person to know this.

"Still there Jake?" Collin asked as he shook me from my inner thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking about how thankful I am." I replied with a small smile on my face.

He nodded at me and got something out of his suitcase before walking over to Kate's other side, careful not to jostle her or the bed. I swear if Collin wasn't in this from the beginning he could've been human with damn good doctor skills. Everybody would kill over having him for a physician; he's that good.

I felt pressure on my hand and looked down to see Kate's fingers moving. I looked back up at Collin and saw that he was taking his gloves off and throwing a syringe away into the garbage.

"Did you give her something?"I asked as I watched him walk back over and check her vitals.

"I gave her something to help her wake up. She is struggling against the sedative I gave her earlier. Her body wants to wake up but the medication is very powerful that I gave her in the beginning." He said as he finished checking her heart rate and moved onto her leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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