Chapter 6

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Jake's POV

I left her house with dignity & my nerves everywhere, this has never happened to me so I was a bit off balanced. Most people would call me a wimp about now, simply because I actually have feelings, but I am a hard-ass on the outside. 

I walked all the way home, even though I needed to blow off some steam from actually having the nerve to kiss her, even though she was really in tune to me doing I knew I caught her off guard. I ended up not going home straight away because I ended up back around her house. I went up her driveway silently  & jumped up to the second floor to her balcony that led to her room. 

I just wanted to see her so BAD, even though I just saw her only two hours ago. I looked in to see her frowning in her sleep, moaning, & tossing & turning in her sleep. I configured she was having a very unpleasant dream about somebody or something because I have never seen her look this way before & I was clearly used to her face being smooth & undisturbed with a smile planted naturally on her gorgeous face. 

I watched her sleep for a couple more hours, memorizing her features on her face & imagining my fingers running through her hair and curled up behind her to protect her from the awful things in life. At that thought she sighed and smiled in her sleep. I became confused then, again for probably the millionth time tonight. She couldn't of heard me think that, could she?

I thought a goodnight to her silently in my head & leaped down from her balcony. This time I ran home & when I got home I paced the floor for a couple of seconds. I decided to shower & go get a drink from the refrigerator. I walked down in my towel to grab some food that I actually ate because it was too good to not eat.

Taking up my green special drink to keep me fairly healthy & my egg-rolls in the other hand I took the stairs four at a time. Living this life has its advantages, for instance I could eat all I wanted & I would never get fat from it, not that I really eat much human food.  Scarfing down my snack & drink I decided to play some COD for a few hours.

Kate's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed even though I recalled having a terrible nightmare & then it turned into Jake's face & him hugged me. I stretched & got out of bed to make my bed quickly. I looked over at my clock to find it was only seven which means I have plenty of time. I turned on my hair straightener & turned on the shower to warm water. I quickly took a shower & decided to use my shampoo that brings my natural highlights out in my hair. I quickly got out of the shower to get dressed in my green spaghetti strap , black flower lace tank top , & my black high waist shorts. I blow dried my hair quickly & hair-sprayed it before I started straightening it, my hair was thick & weird so if I didn't do it this way it never stayed put. I quickly applied my liquid eye liner to my top lid, my smooth eyeliner to my bottom lid, chap-stick, lipstick, & lip-gloss to my lips before starting on my green & black eye-shadow. I decided to use a little bit of foundation to cover up my scars that I have under my bottom lip & my scar above my left eyebrow. After I was done with my makeup I decided to pin my  hair up a little bit & re straightened my hair.

I walked quickly over to my closet to find my green pumps. I rarely wore green , but when I did I loved it. Don't get me wrong I loved to wear camouflage & go hunting during the seasons, but I put myself more as a young woman. This side of me only a few people knew about simply because hunting is my sanctuary. I walked downstairs to find something quick but fulfilling to eat for breakfast, which was toast & scrambled eggs.

I finished eating & put everything in the dishwasher & started it. Grabbing my phone off the counter I ran up the stairs to brush my teeth & grab my bag with everything I will need for today. I sprinted down the stairs to fill my water bottle up & grab my jacket, keys, & premade coffee & headed off to the meeting.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora