Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I awake the next morning smiling to myself. The rest of the day yesterday went great . All of my classes seemed awesome and I knew that this year with all of them would be amazing.

I quickly ate my breakfast and got dressed in a black one-shoulder dress with sequins on the top half. I grabbed my red stilettos and curled my hair. I grabbed my purse and my big 32oz water bottle.

Driving to the school went quickly and as I pulled up in my designated parking spot . I felt somebody staring at me so I looked around as quickly as possible without it looking to noticeable. I looked all the way to my right side to see a student staring at me . He didn't care I knew he was staring at me , because he didn't look away from me just continued to look at me with a frown on his face and lost in concentration . I turned away and got everything out of my car and locked it. I turned to him and smiled. I didn't get a smile back from him, but he finally did look away from me.

I buzzed myself in with my I.d and went straight to my classroom to unload and start getting things ready for the day. I was writing down some questions on the board when I heard footsteps approaching me from behind. I turned to see a surprise.

It was the guy that was staring at me a few minutes earlier. I couldn't place his name yet, since yesterday was the first day of school. I tried to remember what period I had him in my class because he looked really familiar. I decided to speak up first.

"May I help you, I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"Jake Renning"

"Well Jake what can I do for you", I said with a smile on my face.

"Uh Miss Tatum , can I ask you a personal question?"

" I suppose although it is frowned upon"

"So.. um ..are you seeing anybody?"

"No Jake I am not. Why do you ask?"

" I was just wondering. I'll see you in class today Miss Tatum."

"Oh okay, bye Jake."

"Bye Miss Tatum." He mumbled quietly as he walked out if the classroom.

Well, I thought to myself, that was weird . I didn't know what to say to that. I didn't know what to make of all of that. My mind was wandering off. What would make of that?

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now