Chapter 8

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Kate's POV

I woke up feeling half way refreshed , even though it was five in the morning. I got up , took a quick shower, dried my hair & brushed it before leaving it. I walked down to the kitchen & made myself hard boiled eggs while I checked my email, which I had nothing.

I ate my eggs with salt & orange juice then jogged upstairs after I put rinsed & put my dishes in the sink. I quickly brushed my teeth & turned Pandora on. I jammed out & sang as I put my makeup & floral dress on. I threw my ankle boots on my feet as I checked the time. I still had time to spare, so I grabbed my bags , phone , & bottle of water & headed out the door.

I dialed Haley's number in the car & waited until she picked up, which she took her sweet time.


"It's Kate, I didn't wake you did I?"

"Oh , thank god! I was going to call you after you got off of work. Nah you didn't , I am just laying here in bed."

"Okay good-"

"Listen Kate I am SO sorry you had to find out that way, I didn't know how to tell you, I know you've been super busy with you're new job."

"I just wish you would've called me & told me,'cause i am NEVER to busy to talk to my best friend."

"Well I know that now! I am really sorry though girl, I know you're hurt that I didn't say anything to you."

"It's all right, I can't be upset at you."

"I am glad, so how exactly are you calling me, aren't you on your way to work?"

"Yeah I am , I can call you from my car dork."

"Oh yeah you have one of those magic cars that one day will tell you to f-"

"OKAY , keep dreaming & don't you know better to even try to say that in a conversation with me, I will treat you like one of my students 'cause I know you're weak points to make you feel bad girl."

"Well damn, I am just saying girl. One day you're car won't cooperate with your instructions."

"Well when that day comes I will let you know. Until then you're wrong. So are we completely good & you promise to keep nothing from me anymore?"

"Yeah we are, I promise to not keep anything from you , as long as you don't."

"Well that'll be easy cause i can't keep a secret, how do you think you got that info from me yesterday about Jake?"

" I thought maybe I had a special talent or something.'

"Oh dream on Haley, look girl I just pulled up at school , so I will talk to you later, have fun but be safe!"

""Kate, don't go there , but I will. Love you girl & enjoy you're Monday!"

"I will, love you too Hales & enjoy yours."

"All right, bye." 

"Bye Hales."

I ended the call then & grabbed my bags & phone & got out of the car, locking it as I walked away. I was ready to get this day done & over with. Haley & I were back to where we were & that just made a smile form on my face. I clocked in & went to my classroom to unlock. I still had fifteen minutes before students got here so I got everything ready for the day & got copies made for the worksheets in my lesson plan.

As I sorted the last bit of everything & turned down my phone the bell rang, signalling school was starting in five minutes so I heard students scrambling to their lockers & socializing with their friends. I felt somebody walk in as I was reading a section from the book, I looked up to see Jake standing by the door.

I'm In Love with My Student (teacher/student relationship)Where stories live. Discover now